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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Longan Red Dates and Wolfberry Drink

龙眼枸子大枣茶。听说过一个见证是关于有一个人因为知道万能机可以连籽带肉一同打磨红枣成枺状煮来喝,她立刻就买一台,今天就弄了一壶,连同龙眼,枸籽和大枣一起打磨来煮一锅茶,真好喝! 这一回没浪费了。
Longan wolfberry and red dates. There was a testimonial about a lady bought a Thermomix immediately when she found out that Thermomix can blend red dates seeds.
Today, I make a jar of it. Together with longan, wolfberry and red dates with seed, grind it with speed 10, then cook it for 10 minutes. Yummy drink, usually we finish the drink, and the rest of ingredients are to be thrown away. Now the I can DRINK the whole of them.
With function of integrated digital weighing scale, weigh ingredients one by one in a simmering basket. Rinse it directly.

I chose to blend it before cooking, by doing this, blending process is shorter, just need to blend it for 10 sec or so.

Click here for Longan Red Dates Drink recipe print-out
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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist in building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.
Click here for Longan Red Dates Drink recipe print-out

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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