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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Haggai Institute Regional Seminar in KL 19th - 24th Aug 2011

Haggai Institute was founded in 1969 to equip Asian, African and Latin American Christian leaders — who will train others — to reach their own people for Christ. That’s what we mean by “start from within and begin at the top.” It is international and interdenominational, a worldwide network of Christian Leaders — men and women, ordained and lay — trained by the best non-Western faculty, using non-Western materials and methods. The training program is headquartered in Singapore, a neutral hub of the developing world. These leaders are trained in advanced evangelistic communications and managerial techniques. They are also trained to pass on these techniques in training sessions which they conduct themselves in their homelands.

For more information please visit

This coming seminar is a 6 day-seminar, venue: Concorde Inn, KLIA Sepang at the cost of USD120 (RM360) for Clergy; USD 160 (RM480) for marketplace.

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