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Monday, May 23, 2011

'Google search!'

When I want to find resources for my business, go google search.
When I want to find information of a writer, go google search.
When people are chatting things I don't know, go google search.
When I do not know the place well, go google map search
When Gab doesn't know any Malay word, go google translate.

Everything I want to know I google search.

It's convenient, it's fast and updated. I search for people, search for phone numbers, believe it or not, all you need just the name, the email address, you get everything. And now.... is my turn to worry, or shall I? Isn't it good for any business, people will get you whenever they want.

I use different emails to register different account, just to prevent this problem. Ended up all emails find me! For business purpose, I can't delete my info. What more to worry?

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