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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Runaway Prayer

Do you know what does it mean? We've watched the movie 'Runaway Bride', I think my situation is like this movie, but mine is 'Runaway Prayer'....

As a christian, as a strong faith christian, this is happening to me, something has gone very very very wrong.....

We've been taught to put everything into prayer, everything means ... everything lah, everything in your daily life, and God means so real to me, me and HIM having intimacy relationship through years, and I love the relationship, we chat in most of the issues, all the circumstances, at any time, until up to the stage, His present has scared me, let me put it this way, I heard His voice, that I can't believe that I am so blessed, and loved by Him, which I always think I am not worthy, I am not 'holy'... and yet He listens to me and talks to me.

And so I pray very often, my type of prayer is not long and formal, my type of prayer is just like 'talking' to a friend, I challenge Him someimes, awesome is, He answers.

So... come back to this issue, I stopped because I don't want to know, and I have given up, and I ignore it, and I don't want to hear the 'word' any more, not the 'word' any more..... this 'word' has driven me crazy, so I stopped praying, and I stopped thinking about it, and I ignored it.

How can I just ignore it.... Sunday sermon, the 'word' seemed to be so CLEAR and LOUD in my ears, and it went deep into my heart, and it recaping in my mind, and it wakes my spirit, I thought, I just ignore it again... so, I didn't 'remember' it on Sunday, on Monday... but this morning while I was reading, it popped up to remind me, the 'word'.

Despite of this, I will still want to choose to ignore it!

[Runaway Prayer] Cool?!

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