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Sunday, May 10, 2009

It is just HARD, I'm giving up!

I am going crazy if it is still going on...




I thought it is gonna to be .......... anyhow ... better!

Today proved!

This is way far beyond what I can bear, I have to admit... I failed.

But I am 'Yahoooo!' with the decision I've made.




....... thinking...... "What God wants to say this time?".......

.............thinking....... "What is HIS feeling?" "................m............... a group of two - disobedient child..."

....................thinking....... "What He will do?" ........

I shouted: "God, you mean so real to me! YOU WERE! YOU ARE! YOU ARE TO BE! Please don't leave me alone!"

You are still the ONE I will trust for the rest of my life!

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