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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fear not

'Day!! what have I done? made the wrong move, what can I do? what is the next step? Where shall I go? How shall I stop? Is God here with me? Can God hear my call? .... Have I walked too far? m... feeling lonely...

Attended Tuesday's summit meeting, it is once a month meeting... Pastor BC called for a group prayer instead of teaching... he had us gathered in a circle then we started praying...

I asked God many questions, some were those listed above. I've got my answer ... after that. Draw near to Him, He will lead me and He is with me, and in me, do not be dismayed, be courageous.

Then I had this quote from Pastor Jazz:

The word 'do not fear' appeared 365 times in the OT and NT. One for each day is enugh.

That was when I tell her about my doubt and insecurity, she is always positive and encouraging, and most of all practical! She has so much more I want to learn from, thankfully she is holding a women seminar in SCF, waiting for her powerful sharing.

Oooh, I want to shout out loud...... "JANE, you are strong because you have God in you! FEAR NOT"

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