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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Avocado Blend

It was Monday night, Shuo Fong brought Sarah for piano practice, and it will be guided by Gabriel for half an hour, and Gabriel gets his pay - RM3 for half an hour. Before the practice, he order a cup of hot Milo. ....O_o`! Shuo Fong and I paused and looked at each other, I said: Ooh, he is a teacher like mommy, take hot drink while teaching!. Both of us broke into laugh. After a while he walked out again, I hint: Eh! Good teacher don't walk in and out! Gab replied: I know, I just forgot to take the clock. He will be a good teacher.

After a short discussion on the craft that we plan to do for mother's day, we start making the avocado blend.

First, choose the avocado with black outlook, that is the colour if it is ripped, because I want to have it tonight, then cut it into half, leave the seed alone, because it is hard, just dig it out after the cut. Add avocado flesh, ice cubes, condensed milk and UHT milk into blender, blend it, and consume it immediately, it is yummy! Gab and I love it very much!

Jie Min offered help to do the washing, Sarah joined the fun, and Gabriel be the supervisor, they had a wonderful time.

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