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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Automated MengNiu Vanilla Yoghurt

TM5 Automated Jane's MengNiu Vanilla Yoghurt

Cook time:  8 hours
Total time:  8 hours



1 ltr UHT Full Cream Milk 
120g Greek Yoghurt or plain yoghurt 
50g Full fat milk powder


Jane's MengNiu VANILLA VERSION that I always make

60g sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

1) Add all ingredients to a super clean bowl.

Select the 'plain yoghurt' recipe in the automated recipe in menu, skip the prompts till the screen says 'turn knob to start'. Now turn your dial to start;This process will take total of 8 hours, you will be greeted by a chime when it is ready.

2) Refrigerate before eating. It will slightly thicken up in the fridge.

FULL FAT PRODUCTS. Make sure to use full fat products for the best results.
TART YOGHURT. Can be one of two things. If you use a natural pot set yoghurt as the starter the tanginess will transfer. I prefer using a sweet greek or vanilla yoghurt. Also if you make a plain yoghurt (no sugar or vanilla) & culture for too long your yoghurt will be tart. The little bacteria in the yoghurt eat the milk sugars & turn them into lactic acid.
FRIDGE LIFE. This yoghurt will easily last 2-3 weeks if no one double dips ;) Always judge by smell and taste.

Once your yoghurt has set, place 120g into a clean container; store somewhere in the fridge where no one will eat it. This can be used to make your next batch!
USING FRESH MILK. You MUST first cook your milk at 90℃ for at least 10 minutes, then allow it to cool back to under 37℃ before using. This breaks down the proteins in the milk. This is why I use UHT as I can skip this process.

Original write up from HERE  

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

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