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Monday, August 6, 2012

2nd hand blessing

While I was enjoying my blessing from someone, and there he said: " This is 2nd hand blessing, you should ask for 1st hand blessing!"

I put no blame to him, It was my fault, yes, it is still, as I used to tell my friends this: "God will bless you in order you to bless me." Can you see the contradiction? God will bless me, and God bless them in order to bless me, and yet why shouldn't I ask God to bless me directly? ....

I didn't know how to reply him for this at that moment, this thought has been constantly with me lately, not to question God why didn't He bless me direct, not to feel unhappy about this '2nd hand blessing', but to get a better way of telling people around me.

Here it is:
A few puzzling things about blessing, does size matter? Does weight matter? Does time matter? Does quantity matter?Does the procedure matter? Does the source matter?

Remembering of 'five loaves two fish', were there 5 thousands of people receiving Lord's 2nd hand blessing? Aren't God's blessings nourishes all of us? And I thought the precious is to give thanks to God's blessing in each little incident, not give thanks to God's blessing for big or small, soon or later.

Hence, I would like to tell this friend that I actually enjoying God's blessing regardless small or big, first or later, because there is no such thing as '2nd hand blessing', I would never have thought of using this word to describe my blessings, but receive with a thankful heart instead.

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