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Friday, November 16, 2012

Out of expectation

Finally done praise and worship chords checking, and score out two Christmas pieces, we have 3 violinists, oh no... 4 violinists, mis-calculated, but 3 of them are new.
I was first thought, every body plays the same part, I felt rather 'bad' inside me for playing unison because I can imagine that the intonation will be bad when everybody plays together especially when they are new (eeee...... squeekie~ clashie~ ), and so I changed my mind, for just writing two parts, make the 2nd part playing just the bass notes (how creative I am!).

Few days ago after done checking chords for 'a few' praise and worship pieces, I took these two Christmas pieces wherever I go, jotted down chords and chord notes in pencil, sketched out some playing patterns while waiting in traffic lights.

Thankfully I had two public holidays in this week, I have my sketch and idea on the sheet, spent the whole day with 4 beautiful nieces on Thursday, teaching them hand sew 'plushies', spent whole night in brother's house watching Hong Kong series.... I know, I know...

Only start scoring after 12pm.... I really have to thank God for His 'provision' and 'ideas', surprisingly I did both pieces in 3 parts, this is really out of my expectation, for people like me... lazy, 'chin chai', able to spend the time and effort to dig out, to try out, to replay again and again; I am glad that God use me. I should say to myself: 'Well done!' 

Thankful for His gift! I did it not by my might and strength but by His Spirit, He makes possible! 

'Dear Father, we will have our first practice this coming Sunday after service, lead us Lord. May all glory unto You. Amen.'

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