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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Cooking three meals a day

I used to admire Marcia the full time housewife who are able to cook three meals everyday, and spoke to myself I will never know how to do it, cooking Chinese food is a difficult thing too do.

All I did was cooking one meal during MCO time, the best is chicken chop, or noodle soup and never had to cook rice, the rest of my time were just baking…

When I became a confinement nanny, not given enough time to worry about this cooking skill, I had to do it, and learning to do it, not that I worried about, cooking isn’t difficult at all, I was thinking too much back then, now? I just need to open fridge stare at the ingredients and I know what to cook and how to cook. 

My postpartum lady given me a lots of grace to allowing me spending as much time as I want in term of preparing food for herself, as my cooking is too delicious to her and hubby. 

Cooking three meals a day is not a dream anymore, I just can do it! 

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