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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Amazing Day!

They, mama and papa were very amazed that I speak fluent English, and knowing to use many gadgets and have many smart ideas, papa asked what did I do in Malaysia, My brain squeezes and my mind thinking in a swift of time to wanting to give any answer…. 
Suddenly I remembered I was a Thermomix agent, so I told them I was a direct sales agent of Thermomix, they were amazed again because I own a Thermomix! Urrrrr, ya, I gave cooking classes too! 
They: “What? You teach people to cook? No wonder you can cook so well!”

I haven’t told them I also teach piano and violin, I think their jaws will drop that they actually hiring a music teacher as their confinement lady. Hahahaha

Later, papa found out why is my English so good, as I was reading Bible. 😂 😆

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