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Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Closed friends.

If I am trying just to become myself, and I wish my friends accept for who I am, and if I put this standard to my friends that they should accept me, shall I also requires such standard to myself?

Before anything happens, friends draw each other nearer, they are happy, they do everything together, talk anything, share any point of view.

Sometimes disagrees happened. As long as each of us make adjustment to accept each other.

Then you will find someone does not know how to play to be part of it. He or she left the group.

When times passed, more conflicts appear, I can foreseen, even though siblings brought up in the same environment they still fight, because we are independent and individuality.

Some sort of balancing skill requires, nothing comes easy, though we are as Buddy, we don't have commitment to each other yet we carry an invisible bounding and responsibility to each other.

Who can deny it?

If it is just all about oneself makes no difference with others, why the hack keep the 'sacred' term - Buddy.

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