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Thursday, May 25, 2017

7th Commandment Be faithful in Marriage craft idea

This is the craft I use for 7th Commandment - Be faithful in Marriage

Teaching children to make origami ring is fun, they will have much fun making tons of them.

Difference in size on using half-origami and measured 8cmx5cm
Will you marry me?

 This is part of 10 commandments lapbook, I made a small envelop to keep two origami rings in it, sealed with two diamond stickers.

Here is the video I made during the class. Hope the explanation is clear enough for you. However I have tutorial on pictures below.

How to make origami diamond ring video tutorial

How to make Origami Diamond Ring 

For children, they just need long strip of 8cm x 5cm to have duo sided effect, you will need another small piece of paper size in 2.5cm x 3cm as shown in the Origano Diamond Ring tutorial video.

This is half of origami duo sided

Fold half to make a clear folding line.

Open it, and fold another half to get the folding line clear.

Open it up

Now, make the quarter fold this time. 

Do the same to the other side.

From the quarter fold, fold up to the half folded line.

This is how it should be.

fold both ends together to get the center folding line.

Here is what you should get.

Using a finger to mark the center point.

Turn paper up to make diagonal fold, keep the center be the center point. 

Do the same to the other side

fold up both edges 

joining both ends by tug into one end to the other end

I bought diamond stickers from Daiso. 

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