Without reading and knowing more of the pop-ups during farming, usually will just click agree and share, this recent apps 'One Click Sharing' has driven me crazy, I used to put privacy setting to allow only farmville pals read all postings from farmville game, soon after the 'click', I found that it no longer pop-up another window to allow setting before sharing, that is going to make my friends crazy, they might want to block me because of those crazy postings ever.
Thankfully the problem is solves after my sharing in status, Phoebe helped me to resume to default setting. Here I found an article about 'How to Disable One Click Sharing'.
Article from FarmVille Freak FAQ
Thankfully the problem is solves after my sharing in status, Phoebe helped me to resume to default setting. Here I found an article about 'How to Disable One Click Sharing'.
Article from FarmVille Freak FAQ
With the recent changes made to FarmVille’s Facebook sharing, you can now automatically share your posts to your Facebook News Feed in “One Click Sharing”.
However, many FarmVille Freaks do not like this new feature and do not want FarmVille to automatically publish their shares. One Click Sharing is made possible through FarmVille’s extended permissions which means you can only use One Click Sharing if you’ve signed up and agreed to FarmVille’s extended permissions.
What if you have, and you don’t like One Click Sharing?
Then that’s okay because you can remove it. It’s a farmer’s choice and whichever your prerogative may be, you can opt in or out of One Click Sharing.
Read below on how to remove One Click Sharing from your Facebook account.
If you are one of the FarmVille Freaks who hate One Click Sharing and would rather not use it, you can disable it (even if you have signed up for FarmVille’s extended permissions).
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to disable One Click Sharing on your Facebook settings.
How to Disable One Click Sharing
- Go to Facebook
- Click on “Account” > Privacy Settings
- Under Apps And Websites, Click on “Edit your settings”
- Under Apps You Use, Click on “Edit Settings”
- Edit Settings for FarmVille
- For “Post to my Wall,” Click on “Remove”
过了的许多年后,Uncle Cake 退休了,惊喜他是‘非死不可’账户,并且写了许多好诗好词,他曾经用堂姐的名字写了一篇诗,那一天他也为我的名字写了一篇,^.^ 感觉太受宠了!