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Monday, September 28, 2015

Creamy Garlic Prawns

Creamy Garlic Prawns, cooked by Debbie one of the many dishes in a pot-bless dinner last night.
Something very easy and yummy to cook, it is a very good idea to cook it for a party.

Thermomix Recipe

Creamy Garlic Prawns

25g  Garlic
100g Butter, cubes
1/2 teaspoonof chilli flakes (optional)
1 tbsp of flour
1 cup of chicken stock
1/2 cup Cooking cream
4 tbs of white wine
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
500g Fresh prawns, de-shelled
Salt and pepper to taste

1) Chop garlic
     5 sec / speed 5

2) Add butter and chili flakes and saute
    5 min / V / speed 1

3) Add flour and stir
     5 sec / speed 5

4) With TM on speed 1 pour in chicken stock, cream and wine and mix for 5 seconds.

5) Bring to boil.
    2 min /  V / speed 1

6) Add mustard and season  to taste.

7) Add prawns and cook
     5min /  100°C / Rev / Soft speed

Pour on large bowl and garnish with parsley.
Serve with boiled rice.

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist
#thermomix #thermomixcooking  #ThermomixFerventThermist #homecooked #prawns #creamy #dinner #lunch #partyfood #masak #udang #dailycooking #foodporn #foodfie #foodpic #美善品万能机 #美善品万能机煮食 #虾 #轻松煮食 #晚餐 #食物照 #美味佳肴

TM5 tips: Remove spatula from simmering basket easily

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blessed Mid Autumn Festival

Blessed Mid Autumn Festival to all

Automated MengNiu Vanilla Yoghurt

TM5 Automated Jane's MengNiu Vanilla Yoghurt

Cook time:  8 hours
Total time:  8 hours



1 ltr UHT Full Cream Milk 
120g Greek Yoghurt or plain yoghurt 
50g Full fat milk powder


Jane's MengNiu VANILLA VERSION that I always make

60g sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

1) Add all ingredients to a super clean bowl.

Select the 'plain yoghurt' recipe in the automated recipe in menu, skip the prompts till the screen says 'turn knob to start'. Now turn your dial to start;This process will take total of 8 hours, you will be greeted by a chime when it is ready.

2) Refrigerate before eating. It will slightly thicken up in the fridge.

FULL FAT PRODUCTS. Make sure to use full fat products for the best results.
TART YOGHURT. Can be one of two things. If you use a natural pot set yoghurt as the starter the tanginess will transfer. I prefer using a sweet greek or vanilla yoghurt. Also if you make a plain yoghurt (no sugar or vanilla) & culture for too long your yoghurt will be tart. The little bacteria in the yoghurt eat the milk sugars & turn them into lactic acid.
FRIDGE LIFE. This yoghurt will easily last 2-3 weeks if no one double dips ;) Always judge by smell and taste.

Once your yoghurt has set, place 120g into a clean container; store somewhere in the fridge where no one will eat it. This can be used to make your next batch!
USING FRESH MILK. You MUST first cook your milk at 90℃ for at least 10 minutes, then allow it to cool back to under 37℃ before using. This breaks down the proteins in the milk. This is why I use UHT as I can skip this process.

Original write up from HERE  

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Awesome In This Place

Awesome In This Place  D major
       Bm  -  -   G2
       | Bm                                   | G2
As I come into Your presence, past the gates of praise
   |Bm                                        |G2                              D/F#
Into  Your sanctuary, till we’re standing face to face
 | Asus     -            -                   A
I look upon Your countenance
              | Bm      A            G2    D/F#
I see the fullness of Your grace
        | Em7  D/F# Gmaj7           |Asus    A
I can only bow    down  and say

Gmaj7/A  |Dsus                   D                |Em7    D/F#
You are awesome in this place Mighty God
             | G           -           -        G/A         | D     G/A          
You are awesome in this place Abba   Father
             | D     Em7      D/F#  
You are worthy of our praise
     |G2         D/F#     Em7  -
To You our lives we raise
             |G/A         -             Gmaj7/A           | D  
You are awesome in this place Mighty     God

 Modulation to E major


Amaj7/B  |Esus                   E                 |F#m7   E/G#
You are awesome in this place Mighty God
              | A                                 A/B        |E      A/B 
You are awesome in this place Abba  Father
            | E    F#m7      E/G#  
You are worthy of our praise
     |A         E/G#      F#m7   -
To You our lives we raise
            | A/B                              Amaj7/B  | E
You are awesome in this place Mighty      God

TM5 Tips: Spatula and simmering basket

A short video I made to help some new and don't be surprised old TM5 users to understand how to use spatula to lift simmering basket as well as remove easily from simmering basket.
一个短视频希望能帮助新顾客和(千万别惊讶哦!)旧 TM5 顾客们如何使用刮刀协助取出蒸篮和轻易地从蒸篮滑出刮刀。

You may also find these short videos posted in Facebook Fanpage easier for sharing.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Homebaked Mixed Nuts Mooncake

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist
Last piece mixed nuts mooncake is for my dad. Very thin skin traditional mooncake is what Cantonese required "Thin Skin Great Filling"
最后一个五仁月饼是留给爸爸的,超薄的月饼皮 就是广东人常要求的[皮薄馅靓]。 #ThermomixFerventThermist #mooncake #mixednutsmooncake #homebaked #月饼 #美善品万能机 #中秋节 #midautumnfestival #foodporn #foodfie #foodstagram #chinesedessert #五仁 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Yeah! I have a team manager now!

When I join TrueMix as Thermomix Advisor, Gideon and I are only two under JB team manager, but meeting in KL HQ, which means if Gideon not around, I will be the only one represent JB. At times not quite border, I can be a lone ranger which I am quite used to join any group for camping, hiking as well as mission trip, not quite an issue to me.
It will be good if I have a team manager who can pass information to me immediately every time to update me and team members.
Praise the Lord and also congratz to Gideon who has just got promoted to team manager! To me, is a great great news! I have a team manager here! Hooray! Let's march in together another phrase of our lives.
May God continue to give us guidance and grace, enlarge our territory. Amen.
Congratz to our new team manager Gideon Lye Meng Kong! 恭喜Gideon 荣升组经理。
要在 Thermomix 得到好事业,就要参与
To be successful in Thermomix Business, join a team that is full of love and care, that team members are willing to help each other to grow and work hand in hand to create more opportunity for you to learn and serve your customers effectively such as cooking classes and cooking fun times.
If you are looking for one which can help you in building this home based business, Join our team now!

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Steamed Chinese Cupcakes Fatt Koh

Thermomix Recipe

Pure Sugar Cane Fatt Koh 

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Steamed Chinese Cupcakes Fatt Koh recipe template prepared by Jane Lee Thermomix Fervent Thermist
This was made by Chin PC 

Saturday, September 12, 2015




2 portion(s)
30 g Pork, julienned, 猪肉丝
1 tsp Rice Wine, 米酒
1 tsp Soy Sauce, 酱油

10 g Garlic, 蒜头
15 g Oil, 
50 g Onion, julienned, 洋葱,切丝
30 g Carrot, julienned, 红萝卜,切丝

30 g Black Fungus, julienned, 黑木耳,切丝

400 g Udon noodles, 乌冬面
150 g Bok-choy, 小白菜
30 g Fish Cake, sliced, 鱼饼,切片
100 g Water, 
3 tsp Soy Sauce, 酱油
1 tbsp Black Vinegar, 乌醋

1/4 tsp Sugar, 
1/4 tsp Salt, 


1. In a large bowl, mix A together ,marinate for 15 minutes  

2. Chop garlic then scrape down 剁碎蒜头后刮下底锅
     3 sec 秒 / speed 速度 5
3. Add B to sauté  加入B,爆香
     4 min 分 / 120°C /  / 

4. Add C and A to cook 加入C  A ,拌炒
     5 min / 100°C /  / 
5. Add D to stir fry  D拌炒
     4 min / 100°C /  / 
6. Add E to mix well, serve immediately 加入E,混合,盛盘立即享用
     30 sec 秒 /  / 


Thermomix Recipe


4 portion(s)

10 g Black Sesame Oil 黑麻油
15 g Sugar
10 g Ginger, sliced 姜,切片

150 g King Oyster Mushroom(Xing Bao Gu), roll-cut pieces  杏鲍菇,切滚刀片

100 g Assorted Capsicum, diced  各色甜椒,切块
10 g Soy Sauce 酱油
20 g Shao Xing Wine 绍兴酒
2 Dried Chillies (Soak in the water till soften) 辣椒干,先浸泡

10 g Basil Leaves, fresh 新鲜九层塔

1. Put in A, sauté  A 放入,爆香
5 min 分钟 / 120°C / Soft speed 匙速

2. Add mushrooms, stir fried 加入杏鲍菇,拌炒
3 min 分钟 / 100°C / Rev 逆转 / Soft speed 匙速

3. Add C to stir fried 加入拌炒
2 min 分钟 / 100°C / Rev 逆转 /Soft speed 匙速

4. Add basil leaves, mix well
30 sec / 100℃ / Rev 逆转 / Soft speed 匙速


*King Oyster mushroom seems to absorb all oil immediately, but do not intend to add water, as water will be out in later stage.
杏鲍菇会很快地吸收所有食油 ,千万不要加水因过后它会自然排出水份。
*Try not to wash mushroom but just wipe it with damp cloth. 不需要用自来水清洗,只需用干净的湿布轻轻地抹便可。

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Jane's Double Lucky Jade 双菇献瑞

Double Lucky Jade 双菇献瑞

Jane's Double Lucky Jade

10 g Olive Oil, 橄榄油
20 g Ginger, sliced, 姜片

1 piece Tomato, cubed, 番茄,切块

180 g Shirataki Noodles, rinsed, 蒟蒻面条,清洗
100 g King Oyster Mushroom(Xing Bao Gu), roll-cut pieces, 杏鲍菇,切滚刀块
150 g Fresh Mushroom, stem removed, 新鲜香菇,洗净去蒂
10 pcs Gingko, 白果
30 g Soy Sauce, 酱油
15 g Sugar,
Pinch of Sat, 少许盐

300 g Broccoli, florets, 青花菜,切小朵

1 sprig Fresh Basil leaves, 一束新鲜九层塔

1. Put in A to sauté  放入A,爆香
     5 min 分钟 / 120°C / speed 速度

    Add B then chop  下 B 再以
    30 sec / speed 速度 7 调和

2. Add C, to cook 加入C,烹煮
    10 min 分钟 / 100°C / Rev 逆转 / Soft speed 匙

3. Add broccoli florets, cook 加入青花菜,烹煮
     2 min 分钟 / 100°C / Rev 逆转 / Soft speed 匙

4. Add basil leaves at  to mix well. 加入九层塔混合
     1 min 分钟 / 100℃ / Rev 逆转 / Soft speed 匙

Drain away extra liquid when serve. 盛盘时沥干多余水分。


*King Oyster mushroom seems to absorb all oil immediately, but do not intend to add water, as water will be out in later stage.
杏鲍菇会很快地吸收所有食油 ,千万不要加水因过后它会自然排出水份。
*Try not to wash mushroom but just wipe it with damp cloth. 不需要用自来水清洗,只需用干净的湿布轻轻地抹便可。

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Shirataki Noodles, I got it from Jaya Grocer in Main Place. Drain away the liquid, rinse with running water in simmering basket, set aside.

Fresh Mushrooms, de-stem.
Shirataki Noodles in simmering basket

Roll-cut King Oyster Mushroom 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mooncakes Cooking Classes Refresh

Refreshing past year events, traditional mooncake private class was the first cooking class I have ever conducted, then followed by Snow Skin Mooncakes conducted in Rawang, private cooking class only cater for 4 participants. It was tiring, as I have to prepare every single thing for participants. I learnt a lot by hosting this cooking class, this was just merely for fun and met new friends.

Here are some of the highlights on that day.

Traditional Mooncakes

Tools needed when making traditional mooncakes

Making mooncakes fun

Some just dropped by to take a look as she didn't have enough time to stay and learn.

Gave some to my music students.

Shanghai Mooncakes 

Shanghai Mooncakes, that is what I love to eat the most.

Snow Skin Mooncakes are the most easiest to make mooncakes.

 Snow Skin Mooncakes 

Pandan is the most common flavour.

Using cookie molds.
Strawberry dough.

Playing with different flavouring and colouring.

Lovely printed.
Mango flavoured.

Dragon Fruits Jelly Mooncakes

Filling some of the spines
The back of gold fish stand out nicer to give 3 D effect.


To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Sewing Octopus Etsy MIni Shop

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