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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mochi Bun from scratch

Enjoying homemade mini black sesame Mochi buns, crunchy crust, chewy bun.#baking #blacksesame#mochibun #homabaked #黑芝麻 #蔴籽面包 #烘焙 #自制面包 #TM5 #ThermomixFerventThermist #cymera
Posted by Thermomix Fervent Thermist on Thursday, 11 June 2015

This awesome recipe is from "Let's Prepare Mochi Bread From Scratch - Korean Black Sesame Mochi Bread 韩国黑芝麻麻薯面包" Recipe courtesy by Kenneth Goh

Using Thermomix to prepare this recipe is so much faster and easier, using the same method as Cream Puff, cook the water, add in flour to blend.... I am yet to find time to write out this recipe, I did some changes from the original recipe a few times, still wanting to make more with different proportions of flours to achieve better result, things have gotten better since I have the basic recipe provided. Really a big thank you for Kenneth Goh. If you can't wait for Thermomix Recipe, do go ahead to follow Kenneth's recipe, moreover I planned to include this recipe in future cooking class which mean, I will keep it for a short period of time before I can publish it.

Remembered last year, for one same day I tried making the mochi bun from scratch and based on various recipes given online, but failed.... 7 times in total, 7 times.... I stopped making ever after, not until the beginning of this year I tried to search for Mochi Bread recipe again and I got this recipe which was uploaded not long ago I did my google search. Thankful again.

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