I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
我要向高山举目 初学者钢琴谱
我要向高山举目 初学者钢琴谱
这是我在年前篇写让初学者的基督徒学生弹奏,双手只定位在middle C position, 唯有最尾节左手的尾指需要伸展下一个琴键,他们都喜欢这首曲子。
另有伴奏曲谱,和 小提琴曲谱
也可以用来作 四手联弹
beginner piano sheet
I arranged this years ago, to allow Christian beginner to enjoy playing, both hands are in fixed middle C position, only last note in Bass Clef, Left hand finger 5 need to stretch a key lower to hit E; they love this piece.
I do have a violin sheet together with piano accompaniment, which allow little kids to play the simple accompaniment part.
And they could use to play as a 4 hands Duet
Hope you like this.
Jane Lee
这是我在年前篇写让初学者的基督徒学生弹奏,双手只定位在middle C position, 唯有最尾节左手的尾指需要伸展下一个琴键,他们都喜欢这首曲子。
另有伴奏曲谱,和 小提琴曲谱
也可以用来作 四手联弹
I arranged this years ago, to allow Christian beginner to enjoy playing, both hands are in fixed middle C position, only last note in Bass Clef, Left hand finger 5 need to stretch a key lower to hit E; they love this piece.
I do have a violin sheet together with piano accompaniment, which allow little kids to play the simple accompaniment part.
Hope you like this.
Jane Lee
I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Attending the HI 'Getting to Know You' High-Tea
I was invited by Pastor Jacinta, together with Kooi Sai, Daniel and Xavier, we went to this super house for this 'Getting to know you' High-Tea, the purpose is to get to know the potential participants and some of HI facilitators.
It is emphasize on 'how' of evangelism. Target credible and competent business, professional and religious leaders from strategic areas, including countries closed to traditional missionary endeavours.
Heard of their testimonies, and life transformations, I was no doubt excited about it, Ah Sai chatted with me, despite of our fear - fear of unknown holy changes, which quite a nonsense to us... and we are so looking forward for this seminar.
Living and serving in church for a period of time, the numbness and lessened sensibility we have have in our hearts, we both agree with the stagnant of spiritual growth need the change to take it place. And scare of the changes comes out from the comfortability in present living....
I am thankful for God, He has not forgotten me, forsaken me .... still entrusting His kingdom to me, the not worthy and not faithful one..... I think this is how we encourage one who is weak, who has no confident, giving chance again and again... it is totally different way of teaching from what I've learned from a Chinese quote: 一次不忠百次不用 You won't be used for a hundred times after an infidelity.
He is great, all the time.
Learned from Pastor James on today's service, 'Jesus is a personal (caring) master, a passionate master, a powerful master.'
When we are focusing on our lack and little, the story of '5 loaves 2 fish' in book of Matthew, Jesus wants us to focus on Him alone.
Some problem can not be solved by just prayer, there are character problems need us to put in effort, therefore never get discourage, keep your devotion time, allow God speaking to us, Jesus knows our inner most, yes He does, don't give up, because He has not giving up.
The change is the must, change brings pain and hope, it takes extra strength, if I do not have the strength, I need you to help me, and 'you' just appear in my life, teach me, care for me and guide me, encourage me, thank you.
It is emphasize on 'how' of evangelism. Target credible and competent business, professional and religious leaders from strategic areas, including countries closed to traditional missionary endeavours.
Heard of their testimonies, and life transformations, I was no doubt excited about it, Ah Sai chatted with me, despite of our fear - fear of unknown holy changes, which quite a nonsense to us... and we are so looking forward for this seminar.
Living and serving in church for a period of time, the numbness and lessened sensibility we have have in our hearts, we both agree with the stagnant of spiritual growth need the change to take it place. And scare of the changes comes out from the comfortability in present living....
I am thankful for God, He has not forgotten me, forsaken me .... still entrusting His kingdom to me, the not worthy and not faithful one..... I think this is how we encourage one who is weak, who has no confident, giving chance again and again... it is totally different way of teaching from what I've learned from a Chinese quote: 一次不忠百次不用 You won't be used for a hundred times after an infidelity.
He is great, all the time.
Learned from Pastor James on today's service, 'Jesus is a personal (caring) master, a passionate master, a powerful master.'
When we are focusing on our lack and little, the story of '5 loaves 2 fish' in book of Matthew, Jesus wants us to focus on Him alone.
Some problem can not be solved by just prayer, there are character problems need us to put in effort, therefore never get discourage, keep your devotion time, allow God speaking to us, Jesus knows our inner most, yes He does, don't give up, because He has not giving up.
The change is the must, change brings pain and hope, it takes extra strength, if I do not have the strength, I need you to help me, and 'you' just appear in my life, teach me, care for me and guide me, encourage me, thank you.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
With My Lips I Will Bless You
This is an old hymn I have just learned from yesterday while we were having praise and worship rehearsal, it was one of the songs that Jimmy chose for today's service. Have not been so touched by a song, this acted like a double edges sword cut through my long hardened heart.
Thankful for God, I am still alive.
Indeed, I have been trying hard to get lyrics and chord for this song, it is a new song to all of us (Joel Khor, Jason Kwan and me) have tried to harmonize it by asking Jimmy to sing for us many times, I was still worry about playing the wrong feel of mood, and I found no result ... not until the keep flipping page after another and got one from one of someone's song-list of a prayer worship meeting, it's in a pdf format, but still happy that I found it.
The most happy thing is when I made a check over chord progression, I got them all right, happyyyy!
It is really a nice song, in minor key, that will reach right to your heart. 'With all my heart I surrender to You'.
I think it is useful and great idea to post the song with chord, easier for others who are searching for this song.
Here it goes....
With My Lips I Will Bless You
. Am7 D
With my lips I will bless You
. G C7
With my mouth I'll sing Your praise
. Am7 B
With my eyes I long to see You
Em E
Show my Your face
. Am7 D
With my ears I long to hear You
. G C7
With my hands I long to touch You
. Am7 B Em
With all my heart I surrender to You
. Am D7 G C
Let all that is within me
Am B Em E
Bless Your holy name
Monday, September 20, 2010
我要向高山举目 C major,
小提琴歌谱 与 钢琴伴奏
曲、词 胡本琳
我要向高山举目 初学者钢琴谱 可作四手联弹用。
I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
Friday, September 17, 2010
I go sailing home...
It was a very cooling morning, open wide all the windows as soon as I woke up at 6am, then head to kitchen to prepare breakfast, enjoying the cooking at the same time feeling good for the smell of the wind, not that much on the egg, all have blown away.... haha.
While we are getting ready to walk out from home, Gab suggested to skip school because it is raining, oh how I wish can skip school too, but this can not be a good reason to cancel school, if he has this mentality, it will then becoming his attitude towards all things in his life, of course my answer is 'no' in a gentle way, followed by my explanation.
It was lucky enough the rain stopped while he reach school, and I hurried him to walk faster into school, as there was still drizzle, true enough the rain came back, and the road on my way home having mild flood, all in my mind is just the song "I go Sailing", rushing back to home, cuddle myself back to my beloved blankie, continue my sweet dream, sigh!! Unexpected outbreak when I turn my head to the back to get my purse, I saw Gab's orange back is still sitting serenely and sweetly on it's seat.......... I hurried rush back to school to pass that bag to Gab, and it's still raining heavily, thank goodness that I went in by main gate of the school, park my car right to the place where Gab's class room is near.
I wasn't sure about which class room, asked the first class room, it was 3 E, then proceeded to another class room, the first girl sitting near the door is a class monitor, very clearly and responsive she replied "3W", then I saw Gab stood up quickly and with a worrisome expression on his face.
Oh poor boy, finally everything has over, I got home to check on my cellphone, true enough there were many missed calls, think he was trying hard to get me. So sorry about this experience he has had. That was the incident in this morning.... which totally blew away my sleepiness, great! can go facebooking and blogging.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Special Breakfast for Gab
Gab's breakfast menu is half boiled eggs, egg mayonnaise, tuna mayonnaise, fried eggs, cereal with fresh milk, sometimes if I am lazy, I just make him bread with butter spread that's it.
On a whim, I drove to Sri Melur to get two roti-canai for our breakfast the next day.
I will then keep these two roti-canai, a packet of fish curry, and a packet of dhal in freezer.
And I took it out before sleep allow it to defrost over night.
In the morning, make hot drink, heat two pieces of roti canai in a hot dry pan, heat up both fish curry and dhal separately.
Usually I have to walk into room to wake Gab up a few times, it is like a 'package' thingy, I have to finish doing things like 'shaking, yelling, patting, tickling, pinching and lying... (yelling 'it's 6:40am already which actually 6:20am!) then he will wake up slowly......
Can I say that is extra ordinary, today I just have to say:‘Gab, I've made you roti canai for your breakfast, wake up!', guess what? He flung himself up immediately...... Wow, I never knew that roti canai is that powerful!!!
This is the every weekday routine.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Come Holy Spirit Fall On Me Now 圣灵请你来充满我心

Come Holy Spirit Fall On Me Now
圣灵请你来充满我心 ( F major )
Violin music sheet with guitar chord
download pdf
小提琴 歌谱、吉他谱 F 大调
Play along accompaniment
Come Holy Spirit Fall On Me Now piano accompaniment in F major
Come holy spirit fall on me now
I need your anointing
Come in your power
I love you holy spirit
You're captivating my soul
And every day i grow to love you more
I'm reaching for your heart
You hold my life in your hand
Drawing me closer to you
I feel your power renew
Nothing compares to this place
Where i can see you face to face
I worship you in spirit and in truth
I need your anointing
Come in your power
I love you holy spirit
You're captivating my soul
And every day i grow to love you more
I'm reaching for your heart
You hold my life in your hand
Drawing me closer to you
I feel your power renew
Nothing compares to this place
Where i can see you face to face
I worship you in spirit and in truth
我要追求你主 我將生命獻給你
牽引我更親近你 你大能更新我靈
無人能與你相比 主我仰望你的榮面
download pdf Come Holy Spirit Fall On Me Now 圣灵请你来充满我心 simple piano accompaniment part pdf
我要追求你主 我將生命獻給你
牽引我更親近你 你大能更新我靈
無人能與你相比 主我仰望你的榮面
download pdf Come Holy Spirit Fall On Me Now 圣灵请你来充满我心 simple piano accompaniment part pdf
Another version that I transcript for intermediate pianist from the play-along video.
I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
Sibelius ‘死不了’
《昨晚 ‘非死不可’ 兼 ‘死不了’ 到 凌晨 四时半。。。》是我今早在面子书的留言, ‘非死不可’ 大家都知道是 面子书的另一个译名,那个 ‘死不了’ 又是个什么东东呢?
是我突而其来的心血潮,我给了这个世界第一五线谱制作的音乐软件 Sibelius 取了个译名叫着 ‘死不了’, 有点儿搞笑,这可是我亲生的感受,昨天花了一整天来研究它那无比神奇又强大的功能,实在感叹它丰富的菜单,就因为其的丰富,所以令我真抓狂,找到了这一个又忘了那一个在哪,一个一个,一步一步,边写乐谱边学每每要学习新的命令都会花上一番功夫去探索,遇到困难时就上网寻找咨询,幸亏网上发布的讯息真不乏,一些是用户的经验之谈,每学到一种新的命令都会让我开心不已,真让你 ‘死不了’,用了整天才打了两张谱,但是学懂后就知道它的操作其实非常简易及便利。
Roseberry Roselle Drink
Roseberry Roselle Drink - Luo Shen Hua (China) 洛神花
A remedy from a granny, given by Pastor Jacinta, is good to release from fever during kids' hormones changing period.
This packet of dried Roselle is bought from NTUC Fair Price Super Mart in Singapore.
Roseberry Roselle Drink - Luo Shen Hua (China) 洛神花
A remedy from a granny, given by Pastor Jacinta, is good to release from fever during kids' hormones changing period.
This packet of dried Roselle is bought from NTUC Fair Price Super Mart in Singapore.
kitchen talk
月亮代表我的心 小提琴谱

汤尼 作曲 composed by Tony
小提琴 与 吉他谱 Violin Music Sheet with Guitar Chord/Tab
钢琴伴奏Piano Accompaniment part
作曲:汤尼(翁清溪) 作词:孙仪 编曲:卢东尼
(歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)
歌 我爱你有几分
词 我的情也真 我的爱也真
转 月亮代表我的心
自 (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)
音 你问我爱你有多深
魁 我爱你有几分
网 我的情不移 我的爱不变
i 月亮代表我的心
n (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)
k 轻轻的一个吻
u 已经打动我的心
i 深深的一段情
· 教我思念到如今
c (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)
o 你问我爱你有多深
m 我爱你有几分
你去想一想 你去看一看
(歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)
歌 我爱你有几分
词 我的情也真 我的爱也真
转 月亮代表我的心
自 (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)
音 你问我爱你有多深
魁 我爱你有几分
网 我的情不移 我的爱不变
i 月亮代表我的心
n (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)
k 轻轻的一个吻
u 已经打动我的心
i 深深的一段情
· 教我思念到如今
c (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)
o 你问我爱你有多深
m 我爱你有几分
你去想一想 你去看一看
I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Keeping a pair of socks
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Another accident again
While sending Gab for art class this afternoon, at the junction turning up to Putra Height, an accident happened to me and a motorist, he was driven in the wrong lane instead of turning he went straight, just when I was about making my turn to ram up to the fly-over, he lost his balance after hitting my car from left and fell down.
Gab got a fright, he shouted:'Ma, did you kill him?' As I was trying to find a save spot to park my car he continued:'You not going to help him?'.... I got down from the car I saw him standing up and drove towards me. We chatted. He was calm and was ok, and his voice rather shivering.... (me too!) after comforted him, I offered to take him to clinic for a check-up, he said he could do it by himself, and so I asked if any amount that I could give to him help to cover his medical expenses, I am willing to give him the amount he gave + small amount of my courtesy to bless his Hari Raya.
Thankful for he is safe and everything is alright.
Hope he is fine with his injuries, pray that he will have a quick recovery... May God bless him.
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