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Monday, September 27, 2010

Attending the HI 'Getting to Know You' High-Tea

I was invited by Pastor Jacinta, together with Kooi Sai, Daniel and Xavier, we went to this super house for this 'Getting to know you' High-Tea, the purpose is to get to know the potential participants and some of HI facilitators.

It is emphasize on 'how' of evangelism. Target credible and competent business, professional and religious leaders from strategic areas, including countries closed to traditional missionary endeavours. 

Heard of their testimonies, and life transformations, I was no doubt excited about it, Ah Sai chatted with me, despite of our fear - fear of unknown holy changes, which quite a nonsense to us... and we are so looking forward for this seminar. 

Living and serving in church for a period of time, the numbness and lessened sensibility we have have in our hearts, we both agree with the stagnant of spiritual growth need the change to take it place. And scare of the changes comes out from the comfortability in present living.... 

I am thankful for God, He has not forgotten me, forsaken me .... still entrusting His kingdom to me, the not worthy and not faithful one..... I think this is how we encourage one who is weak, who has no confident, giving chance again and again... it is totally different way of teaching from what I've learned from a Chinese quote: 一次不忠百次不用 You won't be used for a hundred times after an infidelity.

He is great, all the time. 

Learned from Pastor James on today's service, 'Jesus is a personal (caring) master, a passionate master, a powerful master.'

When we are focusing on our lack and little, the story of '5 loaves 2 fish' in book of Matthew, Jesus wants us to focus on Him alone. 

Some problem can not be solved by just prayer, there are character problems need us to put in effort, therefore never get discourage, keep your devotion time, allow God speaking to us, Jesus knows our inner most, yes He does, don't give up, because He has not giving up. 

The change is the must, change brings pain and hope, it takes extra strength, if I do not have the strength, I need you to help me, and 'you' just appear in my life, teach me, care for me and guide me, encourage me, thank you. 

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