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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Another accident again

While sending Gab for art class this afternoon, at the junction turning up to Putra Height, an accident happened to me and a motorist, he was driven in the wrong lane instead of turning he went straight, just when I was about making my turn to ram up to the fly-over, he lost his balance after hitting my car from left and fell down.

Gab got a fright, he shouted:'Ma, did you kill him?' As I was trying to find a save spot to park my car he continued:'You not going to help him?'.... I got down from the car I saw him standing up and drove towards me. We chatted. He was calm and was ok, and his voice rather shivering.... (me too!) after comforted him, I offered to take him to clinic for a check-up, he said he could do it by himself, and so I asked if any amount that I could give to him help to cover his medical expenses, I am willing to give him the amount he gave + small amount of my courtesy to bless his Hari Raya.

Thankful for he is safe and everything is alright.

Hope he is fine with his injuries, pray that he will have a quick recovery... May God bless him.

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