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Monday, January 18, 2010

What shall I do?

Bible is the love letters from God, a book of love, book of law, book of guidance, book of an abundance life, book of wisdom. A book that could help me set a standard in my life, a book that could guide me along the living path.

A book of love, God's promises and teaching. A book of law, God's protection and mercy. What shall I do? Shall I put His word into my daily practice or shall I use His word to judge others' wrong doing?

Shall I set a standard for others, or shall I just set for my own? Shall I condemn or shall I tolerate? Shall I compare or shall I help? Shall I see the plank in my own eye before I see the speck of sawdust in my brother's eye ( Matthew 7:3)?

What shall I do?

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