文/尤今 |
2009年12月10日,星期四 |
许多家长,把检查孩子的书包当作是生活里的“例常课业”。 孩子大汗淋漓地背着沉重的书包,气喘咻咻地从学校回返家里。 才一吃饱,母亲便热心勃勃的把书包拎过来,又翻又搜, 把本本作业揪出来,然后,坐在孩子身畔,陪读。可怜的孩子, 上课的疲累还未过,便在母亲巨大的压力下,读、读、读。 这样的做法,虽然可以收到“监督”的效果,可是,却, 会带来两项不良的副作用。其一:孩子会因此而养成在心理 上依赖他人的坏习惯--上课不听书 又有什么关系呢, 反正回到家里以后,有人长在身畔陪读嘛! 其二:孩子在校对着方方的黑板,回家对着方方的课本, 全然没有自由活动的空间,日日如此,月月如 是, 久而久之,那一颗原本圆圆亮亮、活活泼泼的心, 也被一成不变的生活模子塑造得呆呆板板、暗暗沉沉的。 我也有孩子,可是,我不搜书包,更不伴读。 我要我亲爱的孩子自小养成独立自主的性格, 因此,从他们上学的那一天开始,我便清清楚楚地让他们知道: 他们必须为自己的学校课业负起全责。 有功课时,自己做;不懂的地方,我辅导。 没功课时,自由活动:读课外书、玩电脑、看电视、 踏脚车,都可以。 测验来时,他们必须自我督导,自行温习。 若考得好成绩,可继续享有目前的一切自由。倘若成绩不理想, 便得停止一切消闲活动,直到另一次测验考到好成绩为止。 万一测验不及格,我便得动用藤鞭了。由于平素很少“动武”, 所以,孩子见藤条如见鬼魅。打他一次,他怕一年。 在这样的家庭教育下,我的孩子,也许因为用功不足而不能 成为学校出类拔萃的学生,但是,我确知,他们会成长为自信而快乐的人。
本文在2009-12-30 4:13:40被依林编辑过 Jane's note: I'm in total agreement with her. I don't do homework with Gabriel, he started to do it on his own since standard one, whenever he made mistakes, he has to do corrections, we will understand how much he understands by this way, I don't quite keen on his perfect homework, high scored tests... He does his s exam revision, and I am just to give him some tutorial guide when he asks me, then I will know how much he understands ... I just don't like the stress... stress to control him on homework, stress on checking his school works, stress on his result, stress on whether he has everything in his bag for the day's schedule.... NO NO NO, I don't want to do it for him, I want him to be able to take up his responsibility to do what he supposes to do, he gets his punishment and lesson whenever he fails to do it. Let them learn it, or they will be forever 'need help'. |
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