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Monday, January 18, 2010

A special statement from my beloved pastor

Yesterday Sunday was a special Sunday to most of KRG (Kingdom Rock Generation) and SCF members, it was the first time KRG took over the whole sermon from praise and worship to sharing, KRG rocked all the way down.

And the chair-dance was the best time we've ever did, well... at least Pastor Jazz did not make mistake on 'purpose'. *grin grin.

Another touching moment was from Pastor Ban Chuan, his confession was really a surprise to me, for his frankness and pour out, I did have the same thought over his mandate, he was rather tension, stress and high expectation every time in the service, I also understand his passion towards us and new souls, thankful for his compassion, because of these complicated emotional, he could'nt enjoy most of praise and worship, but this time he claimed to God, he wanted to have a session which he could enjoy His presence. Glad that he really had one! Keep it up Pastor Ban Chuan, in Christ, no competition, no comparison, no separation, no condemnation, only God is perfect, only Him alone will make no mistake, we are perfect in His eyes when we give our best!

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