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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thermomix No Baked Choco Nutti Tutti Cup Cookies

This is so easy to make, even a kid can make them. Something you must make for Christmas and Chinese New Year seasons.
It usually scoped in a tiny paper cups, when I was preparing those small cups, I had a thought: "Why making them small? We usually pop in more than just one, perhaps a small cupcake cup is ideal!"
Yup! A small cupcake cups, must a cupcake be a cake? ... Nope at all! Let call it cupcookies!
Sprinkle with coloured rice is not trendy any more, Tricia suggested to dust with nut chunks, this sound great to me. Therefore I make a small batch of pistachio and a small batch of macadamia chunks for dusting.
Here you go, Jane's No Baked Choco Nutti Tutti Cup Cookies.
70g Almonds
70g Macadamia
70g Pistachio
85g Crispy Rice
100g raisins 
480g Dark Chocolate
Toast nuts separately:
Almonds 140℃ / 15 min (approx. Please shake baking tray every 3 min )
Macadamia 140℃ / 5 min
Pistachio 140℃ / 4 min
Crispy rice 120℃ / 3 min
Chop nuts coarsely. :D you may adjust duration to achieve your desired size of chopped nuts.
3 sec / speed 6
3 sec / speed 5
2 sec / speed 5
I use a spoon to scoop some (nut of your choice) smaller chunks, set aside for dusting later.
Put first 4 ingredients in a large mixing bowl, using a spatula to mix all evenly.
Add (don't care to wash TM bowl) chopped dark chocolate into bowl, melt
3 min / 60℃ / speed 2

In a large mixing bowl, put all ingredients, mix well with a spoon.
As soon as the chocolate is done, pour into mixing bowl, coat all ingredients thoroughly. Scope into a cupcake cups, dust with chunks. Refrigerate before serving.

If you ever thought of using Thermomix provides your family good and healthy food, ease and simplify process of some cookings and bakings, have you ever also thought of increasing your pocket money? Join as an adviser like I am doing, sharing, earning and training. Message me now.

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Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How to get rid of garlic smell in Thermomix silicon ring ?

There is another find yesterday as I was trying out a better recipe for a cup of Ipoh White Coffee that cooks from Thermomix with newly grounded from whole coffee seeds. It was on the Monday morning, woke up in the morning cooked a cup of coffee, then fetched Gab for tuition, and I went for scheduled morning class, as soon as I finished my teaching, fetched Gab back and cook another cup of coffee, which allows me to make some adjustments on the second  time. It was quite rush as I have many things to settle, that I didn't even wash my thermomix before leaving for TrueMix Monday Advisers Meeting.

What I want to say is, when I have time to wash Thermomix, I have a habit, which I will always smell the lid and the ring if I have washed them clean. I know the ring smells especially garlic...the only thing I dislike. I used lemon resedules to soak overnight, somehow it doesn't smell that much but .... Still....

This time, I did my routine sniffing, surprise! I smell coffe rather than garlic! Hmmm I supposed coffee resedule could be useful this time, too bad I threw away many, I shall keep them for the soaking in future.

Well, vinegar + baking soda still work wonder for Thermomix. It is shining clean!

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Sunday, October 26, 2014

10 thousand reasons Chorus part music sheet

10 thousand reasons Chorus part  music sheet, just the chorus section. I'm so sorry for just working out this part. I have 10 thousand things to do... haha. Just Kidding. As praise team only sing this part, script this out for my own reading, and share this little effort to those who needed it.

This is my desire Introduction in G major music sheet

This is my desire Introduction in G major music sheet, just recently work out this intro, asked to be played according to original track.

Here is what I can transcript, closer to the original track.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Jane's Cinnamon pancetta carbonara by Giada



6 portion(s)
Giada Cinnamon-Pancetta Carbonara Print recipe
  • 4 slices Bacon, chopped
  • 4 slices Pancetta, chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
  • 500 g Whipping Cream
  • 150 g Parmesan Cheese, Grated
  • 6 pieces Large Egg Yolks
  • 500 g Fettuccine
  • 1600g Water to boil Fettuccine
  • 10g Olive Oil
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • some Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons Fresh Chives, Chopped


Cinnamon-Pancetta Carbonara
1. Put 1500g water, salt and oil into TM bowl

mc / 8 min / V / speed 1
2. Add Fettucine to cook.

mc / 11 min / 100ºC / soft image counterclock image 

Drain Fettucine, transfer to Thermo Server, set aside.

3. Saute the bacon and pancetta, sprinkle ground cinnamon  in TM then cook

10 min / V/ soft image counterclock image

4. Pour in whipping cream, parmesan cheese and egg yolks whisk the mixture

15 sec / counterclock image speed  3
5. Then cook at

4 min / 80 / counterclock image speed 1

Season Fettucine with salt and pepper, coat the pasta thoroughly, sprinkle with fresh chopped chives and serve.

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This is the recipe that suggested by Debbie weeks ago, I was so happy for this suggestion, searched for many version of this recipe, trying may times in order to convert this into Thermomix recipe. Make sure it is convenient and effective for Fervent Thermists.

Snapped photos, it was quite hard to keep it without sharing them, haha though I did share this happiness among my good friends.

I was quite sad yesterday during the Monday True Mix advisor meeting, that I found out one of the contestant is using this dessert, which mean I have to change my choice of dessert now, at the mean time, I found out that my turn is on 17th November, which I have plenty of time to make more recipes, as well as observing what is best for me, and what I shall and shall not do in the contest. 

I believe all things work for the best, praise the Lord for whatever happened and is to happening. He will guide my steps. 

Here is the Thermomix recipe I have made for Tub Tim Krob.



6 portion(s)
Jane's Red Rubies Tub Tim Krob
  • 6 pieces Fresh Water Chestnut, Peeled and cut into small cubes.(or Sengkuang, if you can't get water chestnut)
  • 1 tablespoon Red Food Colouring, (Or 1 beetroot juice, peeled and blend in 15 sec / speed 10, strain with a fabric.)
  • 1800 g Water
  • 1 piece Ripe Jack Fruit, 
  • (Or replace with mango Strips or Cubes.)
  • 180 g Tapioca Flour
Syrup Water
  • 80 g Sugar
  • 100 g Water
  • 3 Blades of Pandan Leaves, bundled.
  • 80 g Ice cubes
  • 50 g Water
  • 70 g Sago, Preferable Smallest size.
  • 400 g Water
Coconut Milk Ice Cream
  • 200 g Fresh Coconut Milk Concentrate/ Santan Freeze it in ice cube tray.
  • 500 g Ice Cubes
  • 85 g Castor Sugar


Boiling Sago
1. Put in 400g water to boil,

Set 9 min / Varoma / counterclock image Speed 2

at 4 min, add in rinsed sago
2. Get ready a stainless steel sieve, put sieve on top of simmering basket, pour sago and hot water through sieve, as soon as it finishes pouring, rinse by running tap water to cool sago immediately. 

Keep in a small container fill with cold water to prevent they from sticking together, refrigerate.

Syrup Water
3. Put in 80g sugar and 100g water with a bundle of pandan leaves, boil

4 min / 100C / Speed 2

Pour into Thermo Server that filled with 80g ice cubes and 50g water, set aside.

Jane's Red Rubies Tub Tim Krob
4. Put simmering basket into TM bowl, fill 1800g of water, boil

10 min / V / Speed 3
5. In a small bowl with 1 tablespoon of red food colouring, mix in 
diced water chestnuts, dye thoroughly, leave it for 5 minutes, then strain in a sieve.
6. In a another small bowl filled with tapioca flour, add in strained water chestnuts, coat every single dice with tapioca flour thoroughly. 

Throw them into varoma dish, which a Thermo Server tray setting below it, cover and shake them to get rid of extra flour.

7. When water is at boiling heat, throw all coated water chestnuts into TM via opening, use spatula to stir (disturb) gently to prevent them from sticking onto simmering basket. Cook

3 min / V / Speed 3
8. Using a spatula to take out simmering basket, quickly pour all chestnuts into Thermo Server which filled with Cold Syrup Water. Stir gently.

Coconut Milk Ice Cream
9. Put all ingredients into TM bowl, blend

1 min / speed 10

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10. Serve each bowl with two scopes of ice cream + sago + red rubies + jack fruit strips. Serve immediately.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Grated Coconut with Gula Melaka

Using Thermomix to fry grated coconut with gula Melaka is super easy, take a look at the recipe.
Usually we see people making bread with coconut filing, let me make try using this coconut filing for bao.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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1 portion(s)
Jane's Thousand Layered Cream Cheese Cake
  • 500 g Cream Cheese, Room Temperature
  • 400 g Condensed Milk
  • 4 tsp Lemon Juice
  • 40 g Rum, Optional
  • 1 package Cream Crackers
  • 2 package Instant Coffee, I used Nestle Coffee Latte
  • 200 g Water
Chocolate Glazing
  • 125 g Dark Chocolate, Chopped
  • 100 g Whipping Cream
  • 20 g Butter


Jane's Thousand Layered Cream Cheese Cake
1. Blend cream cheese and condensed milk in TM bowl until smooth and shiny

15 sec / speed 5
2. Using a spatula, scrape down the cream, add lemon juice, blend again.

10 sec / speed 5

3. In a plate, using 200g of warm water to melt 2 packet of instant coffee.

Dip cream cracker one by one in the coffee, do not over soaked.

Arrange it and make base layer on a springform cake pan or a lined cake pan.

4. Pour a thin layer of cream cheese mixture onto biscuits, then lay another layer of wet cream cracker on top of the cream cheese, repeat this until cream cheese is finished, and cream cheese has to be the top layer.

5. Put cake into freezer at least 4 hours.

Chocolate Glazing
6. Melt chocolate chunks, whipping cream and butter in TM bowl

5 min / 70 C / speed 1

7. Let it cool before applying onto cream cheese

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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