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Friday, March 23, 2012

Recorder Playing

Gab has the recorder since standard 1, we bought it because it was listed in the book list. And sad thing was, I noticed from then.... he never knew how to play it, because teacher didn't teach them how to play, worst thing was that I found out teacher even taught the wrong theory!!!

Last night was as usual as it could be, after my night classes, Gab tidied his school bag.... I heard him playing recorder, well, I really thought he was just 'playing' some notes... wait.. that was '友谊万岁' “Friendship forever", I was very surprised that he could actually play something from recorder.

I showed him my excited look, then I grabbed the recorder over and told him I want to learn how to play, and I am so glad and grateful that there is a music-teacher teaching them music class this year! He taught me how to read and play by showing me the chart he drew from teacher. I want to share this with you just in case your children have not learnt anything, here I typed it on 'Microsoft word' then transfer to 'Paint' to save it as PNG format.

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