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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Gab's first lunch box sack

After I have got the sewing machine, I have never stopped sewing, searching for ideas day and night, things I want to sew already in a long queing list. Lunch box sack is the first thing I want to sew for Gab.
He has stay back after school for his extra tuition in school from Monday to Thursday, although after-school-care-center prepares lunch for him, but I can't imagine how horrible is it that he has to take his lunch at 3pm!!

And therefore, Marcia will pass his lunch box while she does sending and picking up her children. It is not something necessary, but I would like to make him a little special by sewing him this lunch box sack.

At the mean time, I sewed another two for sale, RM30 each. I am using 100% Japanese Cotton. with lining. This is reversible lunch box sack.  W 8 3/4" X D 6.5" X H 6" (14.5" from base to handle tip)
 Drop me a message if you would like it custom made.
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