I am rather busy with my sewing recently, helping Joey to sew her beanbags, and some of my own sewing projects too.
I got a call from Cindy, she asked if I could take her order, to bake 20 cupcakes for Jaden's birthday celebration in his kindergarten. I rejected her as I planed to go for sewing class on Wednesday from morning then go for music classes in the afternoon till 7.30pm, and I just made an appointment with a friend for some business talk at 8.30pm, it will be another busy day for me.
Another reason indeed, I have not tried baking cupcakes with decorative toppings before, which are presentable for a birthday, I was rather worry in another word. I took a deep consideration after hang-up the phone, and I told myself, in business, nobody will turn down their customer for any reason, and I shouldn't shut the door and reject my order, it is rather 'irresponsible' to Jane's bakery, do I sound serious? Anyway I have decided to push myself to go further, I called her right away and told her that I would like to take her order.
Wednesday sewing class canceled. Searched some cupcake recipes, how about chocolate cupcake with creamcheese topping? Creamcheese is always my favourite! After the morning shopping, got all the ingredients I wanted, headed back to start cupcakes baking!
I prayed while I was baking, it has been my 'lifestyle assurance' from God, is better than rely on my own strength and knowledge, kind of like 'work' insurance I submit to God.
Praise the Lord for everything went well! Here they are, they looked lovely, but I don't know how much the kids like it.
Photo taken by Cindy |