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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Healthy Oat Drinks for Breakfast

All ingredients in TM bowl, ready....set....

Thermomix TM5 Recipe

Jane's Avocado Breakfast oat drinks.


45g oats
1 avocado
1 guava
1 red apple
1 plum
2 frozen bananas
100g water (or Milk)

Blend 1.30 min / speed 10
The combination must include  Bananas   act as natural sugar to give sweetness to the drinks.
It is filling, healthy and yummy
This is really an awesome breakfast - Avocado Oat Blend! 

Avocado, frozen banana, oats, apple, seedless grapes, guava 

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

#healthydrinks #avocado #oats #blendeddrinks #fruits #healthyjuice #juices #frozenbananas #breakfast #healthy #lifestyle #tm5 #thermomix #ThermomixFerventThermist  #thermomixblend #thermomixdrinks #greenish
Avocado, frozen banana, oats, apple, plum, guava 

Jane's Blue Pea Flower Tea

Heard from my friend she told me bunga Telang helps to improve memory, don't know how true is true, but no harm drinking this nice flower tea.
Blue Pea Flower Ginger Tea, good for memory! 

 蝶豆花干 Jane's Blue Pea Flower Tea

Ingredients for Blue Pea Flower Tea, for better result, chop the lemongrass into small pieces, slice gingers too.

Add more petals for dark and spiky blue colour

Colour changes when lemon or lime is added into drinks,

Thermomix TM5 Recipe

Jane's Blue Pea Flower Tea 

Ingredients A
2000g Water

Ingredients B
30 pcs Blue Pea Flowers (Bunga Telang)
2 Lemongrass, chopped
4 blades of pandan leaves
200g Rock sugar
30g Ginger, sliced.

1) Cook A  
    mc / 12 min / 100℃ / speed 3

2) Insert simmering basket, add B to cook.
    mc / 20 min / 95℃ / speed 3

3) Serve cold or warm. *optional: add lemon & honey.

Contact Jane if you wish to buy TM5 or any arrangement for Thermomix demo.

#thermomix #tm5 #thermomixferventthermist
#flowertea #bungatelang #bluepeaflower #drinks #thermomixdrinks #gingertea #lemongrass #pandanleaves #healthydrinks #gooddrinks #specialtea #蝶豆花 #花茶 #美善品万能机饮料 #美善品万能机食谱 #香茅 #姜茶 #班兰叶 #gingertea

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Friday, August 14, 2015

Avocado Oat Drinks for Breakfast

Thermomix TM5 Recipes

Jane's Avocado Breakfast oat drinks for 4 serving.  


45g oats
1 avocado
1 guava
1 red apple
1 plum ( I used seedless grapes today)
2 frozen bananas
100g water (or milk)


Blend 1 min / speed 10
*increase the time if you would like a fine texture.
It is filling, healthy and yummy

Avocado, frozen banana, oats, apple, plum, guava 

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist
‪#‎healthydrinks‬ ‪#‎avocado‬ ‪#‎oats‬ ‪#‎blendeddrinks‬ ‪#‎fruits‬ ‪#‎healthyjuice‬‪#‎juices‬ ‪#‎frozenbananas‬ ‪#‎breakfast‬ ‪#‎healthy‬ ‪#‎lifestyle‬ ‪#‎tm5‬ ‪#‎thermomix‬‪#‎ThermomixFerventThermist‬ ‪#‎thermomixblend‬ ‪#‎thermomixdrinks‬ ‪#‎greenish‬ 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Jane's Moist Banana Cake Thermomix Recipe

Very moist Banana Cake.

This recipe is shared by my cousin Deborah, she had tried a few recipes and among those recipes, she likes this one the most. Hence I convert this recipe into Thermomix Recipe. Some have asked me about the species of banana to use, I heard the Pisang Emas is good, however this kampung bananas are quite hard to get especially when we get most of ingredients in shopping mall, and I got these bananas from Granny Doris fruits store & juice bar @ Jalan Klang Lama after a session of TM5 demo in the shop.

Original Recipe Rustic Banana Cake by Chris Wan

Thermomix TM5 Recipe   

Jane's Moist Banana Cake 

Ingredients A
180g Sugar
250g Salted Butter

5 pcs Eggs

Ingredients B
1/3 tsp Salt
1 tsp Vanilla essence
1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Baking Soda
250g Cake Flour
30g water (or Milk) 
350g Bananas, break into halves

Topping (Optional, I liked this idea, topped with banana slices, this enriched the cake and enhanced the taste of the cake. It adds natural sweetness to every bite.)
3 Bananas large, sliced.


1) Preheat oven at 180°C, lined a 9" square baking tin with baking sheet.

2) Mill sugar
    mc / Turbo / 2 seconds (2 times)

3) Add butter to cream
    mc / 1 min  / speed 3 - 5 
    *Add egg after 30 seconds, one by one.

4) Add B to mix
    mc / 40 sec / speed 8.5

5) Pour batter in baking pan, level surface with spatula, lay banana slices on top. (Optional: Add walnuts in this step if it is used.)

6) Bake for 45 min - 55 min or until skewer comes out clean. 

*The add of walnuts gives this cake another texture. 

 Print Recipe Jane's Moist Banana Cake

Align banana slices according to your own desire pattern.


I really love the idea placing banana slices on top of the cake.

Delicious treat for friend come over tea break snack! 

Banana slices give natural sweetness and extra texture to every bite. 

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Jane's Durian Cream Puffs Thermomix Recipes

I have gotten Musang King Durian from my brother, here is what I always wanted to make in mind when I have good durian, cream puffs!!
Honestly, with Thermomix, cream puff has become so easy to make that you will not believe me. Imagine mixing flour into boiling water just take 20 to 30 seconds.

Print Durian Cream Puffs Thermomix Recipe Here "Jane's cream puff
For the durian filling this time, I used 200g durian pulps and 200g topping cream.



Ingredients A
250 g Water
100 g Butter
1 tsp Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt

Ingredients B
75 g Plain Flour
75 g Bread Flour
Ingredient C
4 pieces Egg

300 g Non Dairy Whip Cream


Cream Filling
1. Insert Butterfly, beat cream at (suggested to have a check after 1 minute, the forming of cream depending the quality of different brands, as well as the chilling level too. I have done sometimes which I need to beat 4 minutes, sometimes 2 minutes. It is save to stop at 1 - 1.30 minutes to have a check of the texture and consistency)

MC / 1.30 min / speed 4 - 6 - 4 (TM5 speed 4 - 5 - 6)

(back and forth) I know we shouldn't exceed speed 4, but to speed up the cream to a stiff form, do it once awhile. ;p

Please keep an eye on the form of cream. It may requires more time.
2. Transfer to a piping bag with nozzle, refrigerated.

2. If you wish to make a durian cream

use 200g of non dairy cream
       200g of riped durian pulps (paste form)

Cream Puff

1. Put a container or bowl on top of TM bowl to weigh flours. Set aside.

2. Put ingredients A into TM bowl to cook
    MC / 4 min / 100°C / Speed 2

3. Mix ingredients B well in the container or bowl with spatula, ready to be used.

Lined baking trays with parchment paper.

4. Once water is boiling, open the lid, pour ingredient B (flour) into TM bowl at once (do it quick)
    MC / 1 min / speed 4

5. Keep dough in TM bowl for about 30 minutes to cool down till 50°C.

6. After 30 minutes or the batter is around 50°C,
Pre-heat oven now at 200°C.
    Set dial MC / 1 min / speed 4 

Add 4 eggs into TM bowl while TM is running.

7. Prepare a piping bag with star nozzle. 
Transfer batter into piping bag to pipe on a baking tray that already lined with parchment paper.

8. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist
Piped batter onto baking sheet.

Freshly baked

Handsome look right out from the oven

You should whip the cream first, then adding in durian paste.

Once is done, transfer into piping bag

This what you should do, pull piping bag down, and make the adjustment accordingly. Refrigerated.

Make a cut opening for cream piping.

I filled them full with cream, just loved cream so much!

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Friday, August 7, 2015

Thermomix Recipe Writing

See what I am up to? Trying out crepe recipe, have compared a few recipes, and convert into Thermomix Recipe for my customers.
#jlmaylan #recipewriting #thermomixrecipessharing  #thermomix #ThermomixFerventThermist  #crepes #crepe #durian #musangking #desserts  #dessertstagram #foodporn #goodfood #foodfie

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Sewing Octopus Etsy MIni Shop

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