Super super happy, God is awesome, God is great! I am one of 15 advisors who won a Junior Thermomix.
Thermomix Malaysia facebook fan page has just announced this good news.
All my effort and time are rewarded. I am super happy about this news.
Remember the time I have spent, and how many nights, rushed to key in recipe by recipe, ingredients and photos, some of the nights system down, some of other nights errors occured, uploading was interrupted, wait and wait, keying in the same recipe for a few times, it was not an easy task.
I could recalled, there were so many nights, I only slept for few hours, woke up in the morning, fetched Gab to tuition, went to a cafe, continued to key in recipes, fetched him back, busy with house chores, fetched school again, rushed for classes, dis fetching again, key recipes again at night.... For the whole week..... Phew.... It was tough, friends were asking why was I looked tiring all the time.... This was the reason loh.
I did not know who has uploaded the most, all I know is to try my best upload all the recipes that I have ever cooked and baked, also some of new recipes, tried to cook one or two dishes from new found recipes, converted into Thermomix user friendly recipes.
It wasn't tough, but had to search many recipes to do comparison in order get a better version of all.
I am glad I am now well rewarded. Praise the Lord for His strength and wisdom.
Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.
Watch 美善品 Thermomix 万能机基本介绍
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