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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Damn, got cheated.

If you ever get an invitation for a presentation from The Bottled Wealth Holdings in KL, also abbreviated as TBW Holdings, management operation runs by the local registered company XBI, located in Bangsar UOA building.
I received a call two days before and did a simple survey, they asked questions inclusive of annual income, and they then will send an invitation letter via email, attached with a doc stated clearly that I will be thanked in return with a bottle of wine (lousy wine as I tasted the one brought back from the same place) and an Isetan cash voucher valued at RM 300.
Hence I went to the office happily this afternoon and came back, one word..... "Damn!", if you want to get the gift, advise you please don't reveal to them that your annual income is below RM100K.
Someone, a broker claimed that he is from UK, Liverpool (but I didn't find him speaking with UK slang, the English slang I like the most, odd right?), he refused to issue me a voucher as stated in the invitation letter after the presentation. Damn, so damn! (Sorry for my language)
I liked the investment plan, it is almost risk-free (quite impossible right?) I Needed time before making a decision, well, they don't allow you to come back another day not even to invest through another wine broker. What? Did I hear it right?
John Roberts the guy said, he is the chief broker, if I don't sign under him, no one in the office can accept my application.... I would like to know what is in your mind if you were me...
I have never came across this kind of business-investment-BROKEn-sales-bullying-approach.
After a round of mind bombastic, ceh, I can invest from anywhere of the world, what so big deal of it.
Very exclusive! Yes. (eyes turning...)
As I walked out from the door, he didn't even give me a handshake, perhaps he forgets the world is round.
I met a girl who walked out from the company after me, I asked her in the lift, and found out her income was as much lower but she lied to it, well, she got the wine and the RM300 Isetan voucher.
So guys, be smart laaah!

Anyway, just googled the name "the bottled wealth holdings" Read it:

Australian Wine Index - 

boiler room wine investment scam

Read those comments too.

Thanks to John Roberts, I bet this is not his real name, if it wasn't his rude behaviour, I wouldn't have googled this and found out it is totally a scam.

Hopeful for a quick legal action to put this scam a stop.

有听过 The Bottled Wealth Holdings这个公司吗?

他们已经来到马来西亚了,用了简称 TBW Holdings,在本地是由一间叫 XBI 的注册公司营运,一间用免费红酒与现金礼卷和经过电话调查筛选后以邀请方式预约,今天上去位于 Bangsar UOA 二十五楼的办公室见他们。


与我面谈的是John Roberts,他也没给我握手道别,真没有礼貌。 就因为他的无礼引起我好奇这家公司的背景,所以才 google它的名字,啊!大发现,原来是一家骗取投资者的资金。如果你们也接获邀请的话,有时间就去吧,拿回他们送的红酒和礼卷也好!


Australian Wine Index - 

boiler room wine investment scam

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Rye Sourdough Baguette - Thermomix

Using Thermomix to make Rye sourdough baguette.
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Go My.ThermomixRecipes to browse through Jane's recipes
Sourdough Baguette
  • 350 g High Protein Flour
  • 65 g Dark Rye Flour
  • 5 g Sugar
  • 240 g Water
  • 10 g Salt
  • 100 g Sourdough Starter (60% hydration)
  • 10 g Butter, room temperature
Mixing the bread dough
1) Put first 4 ingredients into TM bowl; Mix 20 sec / speed 6 
2) Add salt and sourdough starter knead for 4 min / [corn]

First proving

Take out the dough, hand knead into ball shape, put in a large pastic bag that is pre-oiled. Tie up with elastic band.
Keep in room temperature for 1 hour. 
Store fridge for 12 - 24 hours. 

Take the dough out from fridge, take the dough out from plastic bag, let is sit for 1/2 hour, cover it with a bowl or pot. 
Lightly flour the working top 
Use the plastic cutter to cut into 2- half. 
Roll the dough into a flat rectangle shape around 20cm in length, lay horizontal infront of you, divided into three portions, fold left to middle portion, then fold right panel to middle portion to make into one panel with three layers. 
Do this for two times. 
Then roll it to make rod shape, around 30cm.

2nd Proving
Lightly flour a piece of linen, divide three baguette with linen cloth. keep in the oven, finish the 2nd proving for 6 hours.


Flour extra High protein flour onto baguettes surface.
Transfer baquettes into oil pan
Use a knife or blade to make 4 slanting slits
Squeeze butter into slits.

Preheat oven with 230°C, put in the baking tray, spray the baguette doughs with water.
Bake 220°C for 20 minutes
then 210°C for 10 minutes

Additional Tips

You may slice the baguette before storing in freezer.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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白背黑木耳红枣糊 Thermomix

好啦,一天的早晨终于记得弄了一杯来喝,心情有点害怕,因为它的样子。。。很戦惊地一口气和下, 嗯。。。味道不错耶!


果然是,她就说了材料,然后分量 是Agak-agak(大概)酱多咯 !



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Jane's White Back Fungus with Red Dates 红枣木耳糊

Thermomix 食谱
200 g White Back Fungus '白背木耳, soaked and softened 浸泡至柔软
20 pieces Red Dates 红枣, Seeded 去籽
50 g Rock Sugar 冰糖
600 g Water 水
10 g Ginger Slices 姜片, Optional

1) Put all ingredients ino TM bowl; Chop
10 sec / speed 6
2) Cook for
30 min / 100°C / speed 3
3) Blend
2 min / speed 10
with the help of spatula to push cooked mixture down.

Once it is cold, you may store in a sterized jar for daily use.
Scoop around 60g paste, add in 250g warm water, stir well, is best to drink it every morning.

Red dates, seeded
Weigh 200g Fungus by putting a plastic basin on top of TM, press "scale" button to make it "zero".
Last step, after 30 min of cooking, blend it with speed 10 make it into super fine paste.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Monday, June 23, 2014

Will Thermomix....

Will Thermomix makes you a lazy cook?
Will car makes you a lazy person?
Will water pipe makes you a lazy person?
Will trolley makes you a lazy person?
Will oven makes you a lazy person?
Will rice cooker makes you a lazy person?

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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist as Thermomix Advisor to building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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I make yoghurt now!

You can't believe it, I make yoghurt now! Clap clap clap!
This is Strawberry Yoghurt! Do I own a yoghurt maker now? Nope, nothing but Thermomix. Isn't it awesome?
With built-in electric weighing scale, I put everything onr by one in the TM bowl. With temperature control and self-cooking system, once I've set the temperature and timer for cooking, it auto cooks for me, really hassle free, mmmmm making yoghurt for facial purpose isn't luxury anymore.

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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist as Thermomix Advisor to building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Ginger Molesses Natural Sugar

To prepare ginger with brown sugar paste is totally no hassle in Thermomix.

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1) 100 g Ginger, washed and cubes
2) 100g Molasses Brown Sugar


 Put all in TM bowl to grind
10 sec / speed 10 

Then cook
 mc / 20 min / 100°C / speed 3 

 Increase cooking time to get thicker consistency.

 Transfer paste into a glass container when cool. Store in chiller, scoop a spoonful or 2 to mix with a cup of warm water every morning, before meal.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ginger tea with Lemongrass - Thermomix

If you like neither tea nor coffee, this is the best choice you can make to serve your guests, giving them a warm and welcome drink.
Ginger tea with lemongrass, a Thermomix recipe I have gotten it from Facebook.

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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist as Thermomix Advisor to building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.
Ingredients needed:
8 stalks of lemongrass
20g Ginger, sliced
700g Water
2 Pandan leaves (Optional)
50g Sugar

20 min / 100°C / speed 1

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Super fine Avocado Ice-blend, never made this fine ice-blend before, yummy!
2 Avocados
25g Sugar
55g Condensed Milk
400g Ice cubes
150g UHT Milk
2 min / speed 10

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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist as Thermomix Advisor to building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Friday, June 20, 2014

Carrot Milk -Thermomix

Using Thermomix to blend carrot with milk is such awesome thing to do, easy, fast and yummy!
Try the improved recipe:
Carrot Milk with Thermomix
100g Diced Carrots
140g UHT milk
40g water
5g sugar
15g evaporate milk
1 min / speed 10
I know is a bit leceh, but not so much thicker.

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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist as Thermomix Advisor to building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Thermomix kneads bread dough

I was first surprised by Thermomix can knead dough, not only that, ultimate surprise is that the whole procedure only take 5 minutes to finish kneading dough which could make windowpane.
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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist as Thermomix Advisor to building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Thermomix 花生糊 Peanut Creme

It is rather unbelievable that I can cook peanut creme, peanut creme has been out favourite desert all these years, unfortunately the favourite stall is no longer there in Jalan Imbi near Tsun Jin secondary school.
In the recent years we found "Tong Pak Fu" desert shops in many shopping complex, easier to get peanut creme, but we still miss the taste of 100% peanut puree.
I don't have this problem of getting 100% peanut puree, just simply make for my own whenever I want and whenever there is supply.
I love Thermomix, it makes all impossible things possible.

Recipe :

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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist as Thermomix Advisor to building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Tuesday, June 17, 2014


用 Thermomix来煮的话,也必须要有步骤,没办法,这一下要劳驾老娘我来把它写下吧!

Thermomix 马蹄绿豆爽:
Thermomix green bean sweet soup with water chestnut (啊,好长的名字!)

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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist as Thermomix Advisor to building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.

Jane's Green Bean Sweet Soup with Water chestnut


1000g  食水 Water
100g 冰糖Rock Sugar
120g    开边绿豆 Split Green bean (浸泡至少两小时, (presoaked for at least 2 hours)
100g 马蹄,剥皮,切小丁。 Water chestnuts, skinned and chopped. (chopped with TM 2 sec / speed 4)


1) Boil water, green beans and rock sugar in TM bowl, 
    mc / 8 min / V / Speed 1
2) Turn to *mc / 10 min / 90°C / speed 2, 

Pour in chopped water chestnut at last 4 min.

Serve cold and hot are both yummy.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Monday, June 16, 2014

Si Dapur Terkecil Dan Paling Bijak Di Dunia - Thermomix

Thermomix, Si Dapur Terkecil Dan Paling Bijak Di Dunia, oleh Jerman.

Thermomix Super Kitchen yang mampu menggantikan 10 fungsi perkakasan dapur biasa menggunakan revolusi teknologi terkini membolehkan makanan yang sihat dimasak dengan usaha yang minimum.

Ia boleh menggantikan beberapa peralatan di dapur seperti dapur memasak, alatan pengisar, penimbang digital, termometer makanan, pembuat roti, pengukus, pembuat krim ais serta periuk nasi yang semuanya disatukan dalam satu mesin.

Melihat adalh mempercayai, sila hubungi Jane Lee

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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist as Thermomix Advisor to building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Home Demonstration with Thermomix

There have been many home demonstrations, this Saturday is at Subang 2, 2pm to 4pm, you are welcome to join us, seeing it to believe it.

Or get a group of friends together for a demo at your home.

Please contact me for further arrangement. 

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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist as Thermomix Advisor to building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team. Grow together.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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