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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Milky Sourdough Bun

This is another awesome sourdough recipe, Gab and I love this super soft buns. Try this!

Milky Sourdough Bun

360g    High Protein Flour
5g        Salt
11g      Sugar
162g    Water
72g      Milk

108g     Sourdough Starter
36g       Butter in room temperature

Beside starter and butter put first 5 ingredients in a mixing bowl, mix with slow speed till dough form, add in starter, continue kneading, when dough is form add in butter, knead for another 30 minutes. or till the dough is elastic and could make a nice thin layer.

  1. Oil a large plastic bag (9" x 11"), let the dough sit in the  plastic for the first rising - 1 hour. 
  2. Take it out after 1 hour, knead it and press the excess gas out to knead into round dough keep this back into the plastic bag, let it prove for 4 to 5 hour in room temperature (you may need up to 24 hours if you are in cold country). Make sure press all air out before tying up with elastic band. 
  3. Bring out the dough, lightly knead the dough.
  4. Using a plastic cutter, cut into 9 pieces 
  5. Knead them into small round dough.
  6. Oil the baking tray, lightly press these small round dough. Let it set for 2 1/2 hours, with a dry cloth cover them to prevent drying. 
  7. Pre-heat oven 210°C. Spray water into oven, bake for 14 minutes.

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