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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wish List

Have been thinking of writing this wish list, as a check list of God's blessing, and record of how long will God takes to answer this wish list... kakaka... I have faith, He will answer all, as He is a faithful God, and I have to just ask, and it will be given, just the matter of time!

  1. KitchenAids mixer
  2. KitchenAids mixer
  3. KitchenAids mixer
  4. KitchenAids mixer
  5. KitchenAids mixer
  6. KitchenAids mixer
  7. KitchenAids mixer
  8. KitchenAids mixer
  9. KitchenAids mixer
  10. KitchenAids mixer

well, if God only answer one, I guess.... I won't miss it! 

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