25 Random Things
I have many friends doing this in facebook.. thinking of doing it.So here I go…
1. I can eat alone in public, I am lone ranger. Ever since I start giving private lesson, I go wherever alone. Shopping, swimming, gym, library, bookstore, I like doing it, simply feeling - free.
2. I have highs and lows, I have found out that it is normal after attending a workshop
3. I love to do crafts, sewing, cooking (not chinese food), mix drinks, housekeeping, gardening... simply I am the type - You give me love, I'll give you Home, If you would share a day with me, my life is yours. (Muaaahahahaha, er...... no life time warranty yiah, or... get one from God!)
4. I don't like emptiness, for instant, I don't like walls to be empty and in pale colour. I will somehow find something to fill that empty corner.... (you see.... that is why my store room is full)
5. If I have nothing to do, I will start dreaming.
6. I fell in love with Nicholas Cage, love his eyes.... another one is Jude Law ..... m...... ( I think I will get hooked easily by their eyes - errr..... men, don't wear sun glasses or else you have no chance!)
7. I have many things to do.... practising, teaching, church, writting blogs ( i have two, one is secret!), preparing home-work sheets for Gabriel, my devotion, Gab's devotion, house chores....
9. I love outdoor activities, I won't care much to have a tanned skin. But I care if I might diagnosis with skin cancer, so, will try not to go direct under the sun for no reason.
10. I am forgetful, don't quite remember most of the things, my memory is shorter than short term memory, just blink of eyes. But selectively.... I remember most of the treasure memories...kekeke. If I forget ... please don't ask any more!
11. I love green! isn't it rare? m.... can't help, just like green no matter how! curiously, I don't usually wear green on me, arh... don't like you to buy one either...
12. I love rose essential oils, they smell romance, loved, pure, relax, thin, light, and unique. Please don't buy the cheap type, I use Jurlique if you are about to buy me one, kekeke.
13. I wear jeans and long pants all the time, convenient and relax. I do wear skirt, in fact I like frocks, those from Laura Ashley! erm... the last piece I bought was 6 years ago, not any more now.... too expensive.
14. I will try to make things look beautiful, according to my sense of beauty, I do accept others, because I know everyone has unique standard of appreciation.
15. I love food, but I can't tell which is best among best, I wonder why people will say 'that one is better! this one is better!' where they are all best. When you know they have different recipe, they use different ingredient .... what more you can judge? Just as long as they taste good, I will say "wow, good taste!"
16. I wear sandals 365 days. Occasionally high heels on dinners and 'dates' ... I love high heels though, just known that high heels kill ladies health, rarely put them on.
17. I love diamonds, but have none, and not intend to get one, not even wedding ring, cos they are too priceless, where no standard to rate them, I don't want to spend 10 of thousands to get one big 'gems'.

19. I love tea with milk, or perhaps you may call Vienna Tea. Two to three a day, well I can also live days without them.... having them just make my days a 'little' beautiful and 'sensuelle'.
20. I accepted Jesus Christ 8 years ago ever since a 'dramatic crisis' happened, but I really thank Him for this progression, because of this, God makes me a humble person.
21. I used to hate my lips, but now... love them so much! Gorgeous. .. ., hahaha
22. I like to share my thoughts, but I don't like boasting! In fact share in humility.....sometime playful... sometime...a little self-centered, but I totally accept yours too.... just... everyone has different perceptions different brought up, different mentality, different era.... different space.... different rams....
23. I love watching love story, not that Taiwan or Korean types lah!
24. I think a lot, and assuming a lot, I think I need to change this bad habit, so what I do is, I will try to communicate with the related person, and ask them directly, usually I assumed wrongly, what have I learnt? stop assuming loh!
25. I love travel, this is the thing I don't want to do it alone, I need to have family member around (I have home sick). But I can go with friends for mission trip. Two different things, one is sharing happy moments, one is doing work for God ( kerja bertugas).
can I have the 26th?
I believe strongly "God works for the good of those who love Him", that is how God works in my life, I might see things happened in a bad way, but when you look at it from now, it happened for a good reason, that makes ME NOW, whether you like me or not, I am me.
Thanks for your time!