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Monday, February 22, 2016

Coffee Liqueur with Vodka

Saturday, February 20, 2016

New idea of making Pizza!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Oatmeal Fatt Koh

 "Have you noticed it? There are so many food nowadays made in oatmeal." my brother said this during Chinese New Year while he was enjoying homebaked oatmeal cookies.

And yes, there are oatmeal bread, oatmeal yoghurt, oatmeal milk, oatmeal cake, what about oatmeal fatt koh?

Oatmeal Fatt Koh Facebook Album

I just loved the colour of oatmeal fatt koh / huat kueh


Very moisture oatmeal cupcake

TM5 Thermomix Recipe
Jane's Oatmeal Fatt Koh 麦香发糕

9 paper cupcakes

Print Oatmeal Fatt Koh Recipe

Ingredients 材料A

250g Milk 鲜奶
140g Sugar 幼糖
2 tsp Instant Yeast 酵母

Ingredients 材料 B

180g Pau Flour / Cake Flour 包粉 或 低筋面粉
2 tsp Double Action Powder 双倍发粉

Ingredients 材料 C

50g Oatmeal 燕麦

Steaming  蒸煮

500g Water 水

Garnishing 撒料

Castor Sugar 幼糖
Oatmeal 燕麦

Preparation 做法

1) Combine ingredient A together and mix 将A 料搅溶
    mc / 2 min / 37°C / speed 3

2) Add ingredients B to mix well 加入B料,拌匀
    mc / 10 sec / speed 3.5

     scrape down flour that stick on the side of TM bowl, mix again 刮下一些粘在主锅的面粉再搅拌
    mc / 20 sec / speed 3.5

3) Leave it in TM bowl to proof for 30 minutes 让它留在主锅内发酵30分钟

4) Add C to mix well, 加入C料,拌匀
    mc / 2 sec / speed 3.5

 Pour batter into paper cup to 95% full.倒入纸杯 95% 满。

5) In a clean TM bowl, place 500g water to bring to a boil. 洗净的主锅,倒入水,将之煮沸
    mc / 7 min / V / speed 2

6)Meanwhile, scatter white granulated sugar on the surface forming the word of "Y". (The sugar once melted will help to break the fatt koh into a smiley face). Sprinkle some oatmeal. Arrange cups in Varoma dish, cover with a fabric before close lid.
这个时候,在浆液上撒上糖成 “人”字形后(当糖溶解时会将糕的表面挣开成盛开的花朵状),再撒上燕麦。

7) As soon as water has reached to boiling temperature, stack Varoma dish in position to steam fatt koh. 当主锅里的水达到沸腾的阶段,就立刻塔上蒸锅,蒸煮
    20 min / V / speed 2
Using granulated sugar to make the letter Y, this helps fatt koh to have a smiley face!

Sprinkle some oatmeal on the surface
Steamed Oatmeal Fatt Koh just out from Thermomix 

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Roselle Drinks

When Gab was small, I was taught by sis Jacs that kids taking this drinks often can ease their growing fever. And this helps! What I do is to buy dried roselle flowers some people call it Ribena flowers from Chinese Herbal Shop, and cook a big pot, actually we don't need so much, just cook small amount whenever wanted to drink.

Now that I have Thermomix, I can always measure the right amount for both Gab and I to consume for the same day. 

TM5 Thermomix Recipe

Jane's Dried Roselle Drinks for kids


35g Dried Roselle
2000g Water
150g Rock Sugar


1) Put in dried Roselle flowers and water to boil
     20 min / 100℃ / Reversed / speed 2  
     I don't use mc in this boiling process.

2) Add rock sugar to stir
     5 min / Reversed / speed 2

3) Fix in simmering basket to strain away pulps. Serve hot or cold.

Another version ( I use this method often )

1) Insert simmering basket, put in dried Roselle petals, add in water to boil
    20 min / 100℃ / speed 3

2) Add rock sugar
    10 min / speed 3 
    (It doesn't really need that long time, I just leave it keep spinning to help cool down temperature)

3) Remove simmering basket with spatula. Serve hot or cold.

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Saturday, February 13, 2016

TM 5 handmade fabric cover

How is my TM5 new clothe?

I always wanted to sew one for TM5, especially when I was using stove top to fry eggs. Usually I just grab 2 pieaces of hand towel to cover it.

I don't need it anymore, I have sewn for fitted cover for my TM5 from the leftover fabric that I sew sofa cover.

Also added a hanger loop for hanging.

#Tm5 #ThermomixFerventThermist #sewingoctopus #fabric #cover #housekeeping #onholiday

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Black sesame creme Ji ma wu

Black Sesame Cream is most of our favourite dessert in old time, but it is quite hard to find someone selling, all we have now mostly from instant packet or some TongShui shop that they also prepare from instant mix. 

A customer of mine was very happy to get her TM5 unit, the moment she got hers, she made for her mom and herself this dessert and felt so proud of herself for making the right choice to invest a Thermomix.

Thermomix Recipe

TM5 Jane's Black Sesame Cream

Ingredients A

150g Roasted Black Sesame Seeds
100g Rice of your choice
600g water

Ingredients B

150g Molasses Sugar
40g roasted cashew nuts

Ingredients C

1000g water


1) Put ingredients A to cook
    mc / 12 min / 100°C / speed 2

2) Add B to blend
    mc / 1 min / speed 10

3) Add 1000g Water to bring to boil
    mc / 8 min / 100°C / speed 2

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Viet Nam Prawn Spring Rolls with Sour Chilli Fish Sauce

Vietnam Fresh Prawns Spring Rolls 

This is really a very easy and yummy snack you must not miss. Although I felt a bit more work to do on preparation, a lot of cutting work to be prepared, still worth the effort to make it.

This snack was inspired by Cindy, who came over with Marcus for lunch one day, Cindy taught us how to prepare this easy dish. And I remember browsed a cooking book that has this recipe, though the original recipe requires more on basil leaves, mint leaves... and other ingredients that we don't have, however the ingredients that Cindy suggested to use are easily adapted by our kids. You may play around with it. 

Sweet and Sour fish sauce that goes perfectly with this dish, and I am going to share this awesome recipe with you.

Preparing these springy prawns is another knowledge you would want to know too, it carries the same method that I shared in previous post How to prepare crunchy shrimps for Seafood Sandwich



Chilli Sauce Ingredients
1 clove Garlic
2 Chili Padi
2 tbsp Lemon Juice
1 tbsp Rice Wine
2 tablespoons Icing Sugar
2 tbsp Fish Sauce

Spring Rolls
1 packet of rice sheet
100 g water, for brushing rice sheet
some Toasted Sesame Seeds
Omelet, add pinch of salt, pan fried. Julienned
3 Zucchini, Julienned
1 Carrots, Julienned
300 g bacon or ham, pan fried and julienned
1 Red Onion, Julienned
Lettuce, Julienned


1. Put garlic and chili padi to chop

mc / 3 sec / speed 6

2. Add all other ingredients to mix well.

mc / 3 sec / speed 3

Spring Rolls

3. Prepare all spring rolls ingredients,        julienned, set aside.

4. You may add shrimps, basil leaves, mint leaves and cilantro for more flavouring.

5. Brush a rice sheet in both side with water. or dip into a bowl of water.

6. Sprinkle sesame seeds, lay all ingredients on top, make an envelope wrapping.

7. once done, dip into chili sauce before every bite! Yummy, you will love this simple wraps.

To arrange a TM5 demo, contact Thermomix Fervent Thermist

As for the prawn, using a sharp knife to slice it side way, make into three slices, so that your wraps are not bulky and make it harder to wrap.

Lay every ingredient nicely in the center of the rice sheet.

The prawns!!!! for the photo shooting purpose :D

Ola, you may now wrap it! 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Thermomix Cleaning Tips

Do you have this experience? Burnt base in TM bowl !!! Don't worry, try this method
The photo was shared among advisors, I do not know who was the owner of this photo, if it is you, I would like to give you a big thank of sharing this awesome idea to help all of thermists to ease our stress and washing chores.

To remove burnt food from Thermomix bowl. Lemon does wonder! 

1) Cut one lemon in half and chop
     mc / 5 sec / speed 10

2) Add 350g water and cook 
     mc 10 min / Varoma / speed 3

3) Once cooking has completed rinse out and any remaining marks will come off with the aid of a cloth.

Blueberry Kiwi Banana Smoothie

TM5 Thermomix Recipe

Jane's Blueberry Kiwi Banana Smoothie

Ingredients :

180g Frozen Banana
2 Kiwi
320g Homemade Vanilla Yoghurt


Blend all ingredients together
mc / 1 min / speed 10

Man Tou / Steamed Bao Thermomix Recipe

Went Singapore last weekend, me had a great time together with my little niece, guided her to learn how to use her dad's TM31, and learnt to make her favourite steamed bread - plaited mantou.
If you haven't tried this before. Here is the recipe

Thermomix Recipe

Steamed Man Tou

Ingredients A:

130g Water (indeed the more wet dough it is, the softer texture you will get, hence I don't mind giving it 140g)
1 tsp yeast
20g Sugar
20g Coconut Oil

Ingredients B:

250g Plain Flour
Pinch of Salt


500g Water


1) Put A to mix
     mc / 1 min / 37℃ / speed 2

2) Add 2 to knead
     mc / 2 min / knead

3) shape the mantou, (wrap with filling) leave them in Varoma dish for proving half an hour or double in size ( time Varied according to yeast's activeness ) Remember to keep them in a warm place, or cover with a piece of cloth.

4) After 30 min or when mantou dough double in size. Put in water, stack Varoma in position, to steam.
     18 min / V / speed 1

Usually I keep mantou in freezer, steam it for my son in the early morning whenever needed.
Just add 200g water in TM bowl, insert simmering basket, toss in 4 frozen mantous, steam for 4 minutes.

For the exact setting would be:
       mc / *4 min / Varoma / speed 1

*the duration of steaming depends very much on the weather, if it is a cold day, it might take another minute longer. 

#thermomix #mantou #bao #homemade #chefathome #homechef #foodpic  #foodporn #steamdish #steambread #chinese #dessert #dimsum #ThermomixFerventThermist #singapore #buytm5 #Tm5

Sewing Octopus Etsy MIni Shop

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