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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thermomix Quick Hot Chocolate Drink

来一个"快闪"热巧克力饮料! 又可以把之前用剩的巧克力用掉! 好喝喔!
Thermomix Quick Hot Chocolate Drink, good idea to use up some leftover cooking chocolate or dark chocolate from previous recipes.


65克 黑/奶 巧克力
500克 鲜奶

6 分钟/80℃/ 速度2

然后安置蝴蝶棒 (随意)

1 分钟/速度4
可以只是用速度10 (哈,懒人方法)

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.

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Thermomix pumpkin spinach porridge

On the Saturday morning I had a very early piano class, 7:30am, never had I have to go such early. Because of their birthday party in the morning, had to reschedule time to such early slot. The  morning was lovely, even though I baked German cookies the night before, and slept at 3am morning, I thought I couldn't make it. It seemed alright to me, still await until now!

The parent sent in a bowl of hot porridge, pumpkin spinach porridge, the dish I never tried and heard before, I knew it is a very good combination and rich in nutrition. It was yummy, the parent told me she did not add salt but just a lot of spinach. This is what gave me an idea to cook this.

Thermomix Jane's pumpkin spinach porridge

For 2 pax
1 bundle of spinach, washed and take the leaves only.
120g pumpkin, diced.
120g Rice, I used 10 grains.
660g Water
2 Chicken leg bones. I kept and froze the chicken leg bones when I ordered chicken chop

1) Place pumpkin dices in TM, chopped
     9 sec / speed 6

2) Scrape down those stick on TM, add rice, water and chicken leg bones to cook
    mc / 25 min / 100°C / Reversed, soft speed

3) Add in spinach leaves via feeder hole.
    3 min / 100°C / Reversed, soft speed

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.

从来没出席任何Thermomix家庭示­范? 希望这个也可以帮助一些还未拥有的朋友更了解Thermomix。

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015


1000克 木薯粉
130克 糖
120克 椰浆
800克 水(蒸)
    1 分钟 / 速度8
2) 将木薯泥倒入蒸盘,洗净主锅,倒入800克 水, 安置蒸锅,
     30分钟 / V / 速度2

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Thermomix Green Tea Mochi coated with nut chunks



Mochi Ingredients:

120g Glutinous rice flour
15g sugar
1 tablespoon green tea powder
140g water
pinch of salt
500g extra water for steaming

Chopped peanut coating

80g peanut, without skin
20g sugar to taste


1) Toast white peanut (without skin) in oven at 150°C for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
Let it cool

2) Put toasted peanut and sugar in TM bowl
10 sec / speed 8

3) Put mochi ingredients into TM bowl to blend
20 sec / speed 4

4) Then pour it into a plate lay in Varoma Dish Tray
Pour 500g water in TM bowl boil
Stack Varoma Dish Tray on it.
18 min / V / speed 3

5) Using a plastic cutter to cut strips, pull out one strip each time, lightly oil the scissors, cut into small pieces, on a plate of peanut sugar chunks coat mochi thoroughly. Serve immediately.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.

来没出席任何Thermomix家庭示­范? 希望这个也可以帮助一些还未拥有的朋友更了解Thermomix。

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Homemade Mushroom MSG - Thermomix

Thermomix is awesome, now I can make my own and real mushroom MSG.
Procedure is easy that everyone can make it!

Thermomix Recipe
Homemade Natural Mushroom MSG


100g Dried Chinese mushroom, rinsed, air dried.
(Keep cut-off stems in a jar for making soup)
90g Mountain Salt
70g Natural Molasses Brown Sugar

This could take up days for air drying.
Rinse dried Chinese mushroom and dry them immediately.

Air dry on a baking rack

2) Cut off the stems, you may keep in a jar for future use.
Thermomix Fervent Thermist
3) Chop mushroom at
10 sec / speed 10 (3 times)

Add salt and sugar at the 3rd time to blend in.

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.

从来没出席任何Thermomix家庭示­范? 希望这个也可以帮助一些还未拥有的朋友更了解Thermomix。

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Vanilla ice cream

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.

从来没出席任何Thermomix家庭示­范? 希望这个也可以帮助一些还未拥有的朋友更了解Thermomix。

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Thermomix Dou Hua's recipe 美善品豆花食谱

Thermomix Dou Hua's recipe 美善品豆花食谱

Thermomix Dou Hua's recipe 美善品豆花食谱

150g Dried Soy Bean (washed, soaked at least 6 hours)
600g water for blending
600g water for boiling

GDL mixture:
50g water
1 tsp GDL
1 tbsp Corn starch

1) *Secret Recipe to get rid of skin 
Drain away soaking water, add 500g water
20 sec / Reverse / Speed 5

2) Place TM bowl in sink, rinse gently under running water,
using a small sieve to scope out soy skin easily.

3) Put in simmering basket to pour away water.

4) Remember to dry 5 pins before return to TM house.

5) Add 600g water, to blend
1 min / speed 8 (do not blend too fine, easier to sift.)

6) Using a clean fabric sieve to strain the milk, 
squeeze slowly into Thermo Server

7) Washed TM bowl, with rinsed and clean fabric sieve, 
sift again in order to transfer soy milk back to TM bowl.

8) Add 600g water, cook
mc / 12 min / 100°C / speed 2

9) Using measuring cup (mc cup) add 50g water (half of mc cup)
mix together with 1 tsp GDL and 1 tbsp corn starch. Set aside

10) As soon as soya milk is ready, stir well GDL mixture and
pour into cleaned Thermo Server. Pour boiling soy milk into 
Thermo Server from height, cover and let it set for 25 minutes.

Serve with honey, or syrup.

100g Sugar / Melaka Sugar
50g Water
2 blades pandan leaves, a bundle.

Cook syrup ingredients for 7 min / 100°C / speed 2

Watch Tutorial Video Here:

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.

从来没出席任何Thermomix家庭示­范? 希望这个也可以帮助一些还未拥有的朋友更了解Thermomix。

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Thermomix Recipe Janes Stir fry Japanese Spinach with Chinese Sausage

Unlike Chinese spinach, Japanese Spinach is crunchy when fresh, probably is my first time eating it. 
I have done some Google, to know the way how to cook spinach. And got to know they are rich in vitamin C, and spinach is only one of three vegetables recommended boiling to free up acids and allow them to leach into the boiling water; this brings out a sweeter taste from the spinach. Discard the boiling water after cooking; do not drink it or use it for stock because of its acid content.
Cut roots away, cut half to make approximately 2" in length. 

Prepare a pot of hot water, rinse spinach and soak only for one minute. 

Spinach cooks very fast, just one minute enough to soften all leaves.
Do not have to cook for long in order to obtain greenish leaves.

Although it was my first time cooking it, the taste is really good. Hence I decided to write this recipe for may be..... perhaps newbies... :)

15g Garlic
10g Coconut Oil
1 stick of Chinese Sausage (Lap Cheong) Rinsed, and sliced.
1 pc Red chilli, slice
450g Japanese Spinach
Pinch of salt

1) Put garlic with skin in to chop
mc / 5 sec / Reverse / speed 5

2) Using chopsticks to pick up skin, add oil and Chinese sausages to saute
mc / 6 min / V / Reverse / Soft Speed

3) While saute, pour hot water to rinse and soak spinach for 1 minute, drain out water.

4) Add spinach, salt and chillies in to cook
mc / 2 min / V / Reverse / Soft speed


Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Thermomix Stir Fried Dragon Chinese Chives with Prawns

我的最爱! 虾球青龙菜,在餐馆常常会叫这一道菜。我也曾经尝试煮过好几次,哈哈都觉得不太满意,后来特别留意餐馆厨师会怎样炒,下什么配料,但通常这一道菜都清炒的。也开始留意到的是,所有菜式的菜肴,厨师们都会把菜切段的( 不说你不知,我真的不会煮,连这点也不知道,每每会把整束菜放下去炒! 不好意思)。
老实说,虽然是带着尝试的心态,我可是之前做了许多功课的哟! 酷哥了好几次,大概知道一些,心里也有了打算。出来的味道很不赖哦! 老朋友文华也说好吃!也许是客套话吧!但我的舌头不会奉承我的,这一道"腊肠虾球炒青龙菜"真的不错。
My favorite dish, stir fried Chinese chives with prawns. 

Thermomix Recipe
Jane's Stir Fried Chinese Chives with Prawns

3 cloves garlics
10g Oil
8 pcs prawns, de-shelled, presoaked with shao Xin rice wine.
7 pcs mixed fresh button mushrooms, sliced
1 pack of Chinese chives 
(green dragon / Cheng long choy) cut into 2" strips
1/2 tsp Salt (depends on the saltiness of your salt)

1) chop garlic with skin 
    5 sec / reverse / spd 5

2) Clear out garlic skins with chopsticks. Add oil and prawns to sauté
     6 min / V / reverse / soft speed

3) Add mushroom to stir fry
    3 min / V / reverse / soft speed

4) Add cut veggie and salt to stir fry
    2 min / V / reverse / soft speed.

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Oh yeah, join Thermomix - Fervent Thermist in building a strong and caring supportive team. We work together and giving full support to fight for a Best Team, start building up a home based business that belongs to your own. Grow together.

美善品万能机 Jane's 虾球青龙菜食谱

3 颗蒜粒
8 只小虾,去壳,先浸泡在少许绍兴米酒
7 粒 纽扣蘑菇,切片
1/2 茶匙 盐(请按自己喜好增减)

1) 下蒜连皮剁碎
    5 秒 / 逆转 /.速度5

2) 用筷子夹起皮后下油和虾暴香
     6 分钟 / V / 逆转 / 匙速

3) 下蘑菇炒
    3 分钟 / V / 逆转 / 匙速

4) 下菜和盐,炒
    2 分钟 / V / 逆转 / 匙速

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cinnamon Pancake Recipe

Thermomix Recipe

肉桂香味铜锣烧食谱 Cinnamon Pancake Recipe

10g Butter 牛油
110g self-raising flour 自发粉
(or 110g plain flour 面粉 +
1/2 tsp baking powder小勺泡打粉)
160g milk 牛奶
20g sugar 糖
1 pc egg 蛋
1/4 tsp cinnamon powder 小勺肉桂粉
1) Melt butter 1 min / 50℃ / spd 2
2) all all ingredients
mc / 1 min / sp 5
3) let rest for 5 minutes
4) pan fry with low fire.
Pour batter from heights. Fry 1 minute, turn over for another minute.
5) serve with butter and honey
Makes 7 pcs of 3.5" pan cakes

Watch "Thermomix Cinnamon Pancake美善品肉桂香铜锣烧饼"

Watch Basic Introduction of How to Start Using Thermomix in YouTube that prepared by Jane Lee
In English. Basic info of how to start cooking with Thermomix, including measuring, fixing a butterfly, 5 pins, setting habit before cooking.


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