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Monday, December 31, 2012

Pork Noodle in USJ

For Pork Noodle lover, we travelled far to OUG for nice pork noodle always, how can I forget about this one in USJ near Good-Year Court 3 at Restaurant Tien Tien Fatt?
You have got to try this if you are USJian and yet didn't know about it. This is really nice, though it was cooked by foreign workers, the standard remains.  
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What a handsome boy

While I was enjoying the handmade products in Mori of Zakka shop in Sunway Pyramid, "What a handsome boy! Look at this little boy, he is so handsome!"(你们看,这个小弟弟很英俊呢!) an old lady who sat on a chair next to cashier counter,  talking to the worker at a loud volume

That evoked my curiosity, naturally my head turned around to look for him. Apparently she meant for my darling Gab as there wasn't anyone else in the shop, I grinned and thanked her for the compliment.

"He isn't little any more, look at him, taller than mommy." I continued.

Ever since Gab turned 6, I haven't heard of a stranger responses to his 'beauty', haha, sounds funny?

When he was still at toddler age, I often heard of stranger who passers by will tell me that 'He is so cute.'; 'He is so handsome.'...

I remember one incident happened in Melaka, where both my ex-sister-in-laws took him to a relative shop, while they were doing their shopping, a lady came in, both her hands pinching on Gab's cheeks and uttered:"Oh, this boy is so  handsome, so cute..." and then guess what?

She carried Gab in her hands, hugged him and KISSED him.... both my ex-sis-in-laws looked at each other, they both asked the same question at the same time: "Your friend?"

Ahhh.... that gave them a chilled.

haha... I told Gab about this incident, well.... he can't remember as expected.

We met this kind lady, her words brightened both Gab and my day.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tea bags Wallet

Finally something for myself. Accidentally found this Tea Wallet Tutorial, it was clear and easy to sew, since the size of the fabric is the same of coin pouch, no harm trying, and it took about half an hour to finish making one.
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这就是祢的爱 吉他谱

这就是祢的爱 吉他谱 G major
G7              C7
   我的心常 左右地摇摆

G7              C7
   快乐时忘 记祢的存在
G7                 C7
   时常犹豫地 望着天空
Am7                 D7
G7              C7
   虽然我不 起眼不完美
G7              C7
   却渴望拥 有爱与被爱
G7                  C7
   有时孤独有 时很傻
Am7        D7
   祢仍爱 我 
     G7               C7
原 来原来这就 是爱
     D7               Bm7
在 我犹豫时祢 爱我
        G7            C7
独自 难过时祢 爱我
Am7               D7
     Never let  go
    G7                C7
原 来原来这就 是爱
     D7               Bm7
从 没停止过祢 爱我
         G7           C7
毫无 保留地祢 爱我
Am7     D7        G7  (D+b9 Da Capo)
   这就  是祢的 爱 

Coin Pouch / Pencil Case Tutorial

This will be the first tutorial I have made, something special for my friends who would like to make the same gift to give away for her friends and relatives.

Coin Pouch / Pencil Case Tutorial has posted in Sewing Octopus.

Colourful Zippers

Christmas is near, this year round not busy with shopping but busy with sewing Christmas gifts: - coin pouches and pencil cases, store many zippers in all colour range, picture shows only in pastel range.

Some small gifts for all little women

Monday, December 17, 2012


这就是祢的爱 吉他谱
G7              C7
   我的心常 左右地摇摆

G7              C7
   快乐时忘 记祢的存在
G7                 C7
   时常犹豫地 望着天空
Am7                 D7
G7              C7
   虽然我不 起眼不完美
G7              C7
   却渴望拥 有爱与被爱
G7                  C7
   有时孤独有 时很傻
Am7        D7
   祢仍爱 我
     G7               C7
原 来原来这就 是爱
     D7               Bm7
在 我犹豫时祢 爱我
        G7            C7
独自 难过时祢 爱我
Am7               D7
     Never let  go
    G7                C7
原 来原来这就 是爱
     D7               Bm7
从 没停止过祢 爱我
         G7           C7
毫无 保留地祢 爱我
Am7     D7        G7  (D+b9 Da Capo)
   这就  是祢的 爱 

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Pic taken by Lee Min Jwen
 今年的圣诞装饰布置主题是‘Joy of Christmas’ 欢乐圣诞,彼得和我商讨后出来的点子,就是用了一些免费假草皮零稀第贴上十架面板,在用圣诞装饰球点缀,增添圣诞气氛。


今年的布置工作比起以往真的轻松许多,有一班Kingdom School的年轻人帮忙,没两下就完工了,另外特别也要谢谢Yvonne 和 Min Jwen 的点子,她们都是高手,这下我们人多就好办事了!感谢上帝的恩赐与器用我们。 




这样子的聚会每一年都会有至少两次的,去年因公事无法参与,年头又错失了机会,虽然这一次的聚会计划得很短速,星期五才接到短讯说:"明天聚会!" 一向来我都非常感激她们的用心安排,不管怎样这一次不想要错过聚会。
见面的人数达九位,以外地见了三位二十二年没 见的老朋友,兴奋得很。

Sewing Octopus Etsy MIni Shop

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