It's a long quiet night,
Seconds tormented piercing heart.
Light broke through darkest night,
coldest heights,
Did you see light?
Yeah. It's beyond the mist it'd hide.
Yoke and white were beaten,
Laughter-angers bed for seeds.
Sprouting through the wall to peep,
Thickest weeds,
Can you feel the heat?
Yeah, it does not twist
Can you see it?
Yeah, it's just an impressionistic writing.
Can you understand?
Yeah, it's because an expressionist trapped in an impressionism
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
SEEDS - Footstool Players
Went for a sketch play (skit play) called 'Seeds' performed by Footstool Players at DUMC PJ. A short description on Seeds:
And I appreciated much they played a short melody relevant to the story after each sketch, it's a little thought they have in the transition interval.
I would like to share the short but wonderful lyrics for each play in today's programme:
THE SEED AND THE SOILS - by Paul & Nicole Johnson | Based on Matthew 13:3-9
A farmer sowing his seed encounters various kinds of soils.
THE BIG SPENDER - by Charles M Reese | Based on Matthew 18:21-35
A high-rolling big spender gets in trouble with his creditors.
THE CRACKED POT - by Footstool Players, adapted from a folk tale | Based on 2 Corinthians 4:7-12,16-18
A cracked pot struggles with its flaw.
A peasant girl unexpectedly becomes a princess when she marries a prince.
THE DEPENDABLE SON - by Charles M Reese | Based on Luke 15:11-32
A brother becomes bitter when his sibling gets what he doesn't deserve.
LAY DOWN YOUR BURDEN - by Charles M Reese | Based on John 4:1-42
A woman with a past discovers a future she never expected.
GOD'S CHISEL - by Eddie James & Tommy Woodard A man finds out that growth can be a painful thing.
In this special tenth anniversary production, Footstool Players revisits some of your favourite sketches from their earliest years, as well as some brand-new material. It's a delightful bagful of seeds - stories which, when planted in your heart, will grow, yield a good harvest, and feed your soul.
Seeds is a collection of 8 sketches in the style of dramatised storytelling, featuring a mix of comedy and drama. The sketches are based on incidents in the life of Jesus, parables Jesus told, and modern-day parables, each illustrating a key biblical truth - a "seed".It was short, un-boring, clear and sharp message in each sketch, and these 'seeds' have fallen on good soil, taken root, grown well and been fruitful in people's lives. Even I have been heard it many times, taught in many Sunday classes, am edifying through their ways of appreciation, Gab and I are blessed through these sketch performances.
And I appreciated much they played a short melody relevant to the story after each sketch, it's a little thought they have in the transition interval.
I would like to share the short but wonderful lyrics for each play in today's programme:
THE SEED AND THE SOILS - by Paul & Nicole Johnson | Based on Matthew 13:3-9
A farmer sowing his seed encounters various kinds of soils.
Song: Little Bitty Seeds | Written and performed by Dan Whittemore
I want the Word to grow in m y heart like seed on fertile ground/ Watered by the Spirit and touched by the sun and living like I should until the harvest comes/ I want the Word to grow in my heart like seed on fertile ground.
THE BIG SPENDER - by Charles M Reese | Based on Matthew 18:21-35
A high-rolling big spender gets in trouble with his creditors.
Song: Let it Go | Written by Steve Taylor, Peter Furler & Jeff Frankenstein
Will you forgive, will you forget? / Will you live what you know? / He left his rights - will you leave yours? / You won't understand it / Let it go/ will you forgive, will you forget? / will you live what you know? / Beneath the cross, you hear his words: / "Father, forgive them / And you know / You can't understand it / Let it go
THE TAH-PAU LUNCH - by Charles M Reese | Based on John 6:1-13
A little boy discovers that the ordinary can be miraculous in the right hands.
A little boy discovers that the ordinary can be miraculous in the right hands.
Song: Five Loaves And Two Fishes | Written and performed by Corrinne May
So take my five loaves and two fishes / Do with it as you will / I surrender / take my fears and my inhibitions/ all my burdens, my ambitions / You can use it all / No gift is too small
THE CRACKED POT - by Footstool Players, adapted from a folk tale | Based on 2 Corinthians 4:7-12,16-18
A cracked pot struggles with its flaw.
Song: I think of You | Written and performed by Laura Story
'Cause it was you who paid the highest price for broken jars of clay / And you still choose to use my life for your glory displayed / and I think of you who shines with endless light through broken jars of clay / And I think of you redeeming every part of each day that you've made / And I think of you
A peasant girl unexpectedly becomes a princess when she marries a prince.
Song: I know who I am | Written by Israel Houghton & Chris Tomlin | Performed by Israel & New Breed (featuring Chris Tomlin)
I was Running and you found me / I was blinded and you gave me sight / You put a song of praise in me / I was broken and you healed me / I was dying and you gave me life / Lord, you are my identity / I know who I am / I am yours / and you are mine / Jesus, You are mine.
THE DEPENDABLE SON - by Charles M Reese | Based on Luke 15:11-32
A brother becomes bitter when his sibling gets what he doesn't deserve.
Song: Restore To Me | Written by Mac Powell & David Nasser | Performed by Mac Powell & Candi Pearson-Shelton
Restore to me the joy of your salvation / Restore to me the wonders of your love / Restore to me the joy of your salvation / Restore to me, restore to me
LAY DOWN YOUR BURDEN - by Charles M Reese | Based on John 4:1-42
A woman with a past discovers a future she never expected.
Song: Come Ll You Weary | Written by Dustin Kensrue & Thrice | Performed by Thrice
Come all you weary with your heavy loads / Lay down your burdens, find rest for you souls / 'Cause my yoke is easy, my burden is kind / I'll take yours upon me and you can take mine / Come all you weary / Come gather round near me / Find rest for your souls
GOD'S CHISEL - by Eddie James & Tommy Woodard A man finds out that growth can be a painful thing.
Song: Anyway | Written and performed by Nichole Nordeman
You who have begun this work will someday see / A portrait of the holiness you meant for me / Every layer of mine hides a lovely design / It might take a little patience, it might take a little time / But you called me beautiful / When you saw my shame / And you placed me on the wall / Anyway.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Jesus Shall Take The Highest Honour

Jesus Shall Take the Highest Honour
By: Chris Bowater

Jesus shall take the highest honour
Jesus shall take the highest praise
Let all earth join heaven in exalting
The Name which is above all other names
Let's bow the knee in humble adoration
For at His name every knee must bow
Let every tongue confess He is Christ, God's only Son
Sovereign Lord, we give You glory now
For all honour and blessing and power
Belongs to You, belongs to You
All honour and blessing and power
Belongs to You, belongs to You
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God
Friday, September 16, 2011
天父的花园 初级钢琴谱
F F/A Bb Bbm
小小 花园 里,红橙 黄蓝 绿
每 朵小花 都美 丽
F F/A Bb Bbm
微风 轻飘 逸,蓝天 同欢 喜
在 天父的 花园 里
F Bb
你我 同是宝贝, 在这花园里
Gm G° F
园丁 细 心 呵护 不让你伤心
F/A Bb Bbm
刮风 或下雨,应许 从不离开 你
天父 的小花 成长在他 手里
F F/A Bb Bbm
小小 花园 里,红橙 黄蓝 绿
每 朵小花 都美 丽
F F/A Bb Bbm
微风 轻飘 逸,蓝天 同欢 喜
在 天父的 花园 里
F Bb
你我 同是宝贝, 在这花园里
Gm G° F
园丁 细 心 呵护 不让你伤心
F/A Bb Bbm
刮风 或下雨,应许 从不离开 你
天父 的小花 成长在他 手里
天父的花园 小提琴+钢琴伴奏音乐谱
天父的花园 小提琴+简单钢琴伴奏音乐谱 Violin / Easy Piano Accompaniment Sheet
I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
天父的花园 钢琴音乐谱

天父的花园 钢琴音乐谱
Violin / Piano Accompaniment Sheet
F F/A Bb Bbm 小小 花园 里,红橙 黄蓝 绿F/C C F 每 朵小花 都美 丽F F/A Bb Bbm微风 轻飘 逸,蓝天 同欢 喜F/C C F 在 天父的 花园 里F Bb你我 同是宝贝, 在这花园里Gm G° F园丁 细 心 呵护 不让你伤心F/A Bb Bbm刮风 或下雨,应许 从不离开 你F/C C F天父 的小花 成长在他 手里
天父的花园 小提琴+钢琴伴奏音乐谱
天父的花园 小提琴+简单钢琴伴奏音乐谱 Violin / Easy Piano Accompaniment Sheet

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
如鹰展翅上腾 小提琴、钢琴伴奏 音乐谱

如鹰展翅上腾 小提琴、钢琴伴奏 音乐谱

永在的神,创造万物的主, 祂的智慧无法测度,
飞越所有艰难和风暴, 单单注视你荣耀宝座,
如鹰展翅上腾, 翱翔在神的国度里,
领受圣灵恩膏和大能, 活出美好自由的风采。
Download 如鹰展翅上腾 in G major 小提琴、钢琴伴奏 音乐谱
I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Merely a steward
Facebook is a wonderful platform to meet new people with same interest, especially travelling, never ending events popping up every week, you'll have no lack of companion in these outing groups. New outing albums created by friends every week, looking at their happy faces, places they went, the joy and fun they had had. You need to know, I never had sad feeling for not able to join them.
Friends, at most time I portray a negative impression of how my attitude towards spending, I should understand this. I've said: "I have budget on expenses, I can't join." to a few friends.
A caring friend counseled me through chatting box once, suggested that I should have a positive thinking on money. I am not making any positive energy to help myself overturn my negative energy if I keep on saying 'No budget.'
I understand how 'The Law of Attraction' works, and I know my God is a God of supply too, I shall lack nothing.
My buddy asked what is my attitude towards money? He has the same impression what the former friend has towards me, as a buddy, he encountered more than anyone else does. I am happy to share some of my insights.
This question arose after I told him that I actually deleted all mails sent by Groupon without even taking a glance. Another friend said: "But it's cheaper!" , "Yeah, you are right, cheaper, but they are not necessary!" I replied at once.
And so this buddy said: "You shouldn't have a negative attitude towards spending. What is your understanding of spending?"
At last, some one ask for my opinion. First, he asked do I feel bad on spending, "No, I feel good when I spend, that's how I got my new shoes, dresses and kitchen wares.
I have my financial burden, I must have the ability to make decision on certain spending, and will try the best to avoid some that are not necessary.
I see people spend happily, play happily, and try to think positive, at the same times debt increases, thinking positive and spend without planning will draw positive energy towards oneself? I doubt about it.
I take it more to the wisdom of managing my life and be responsible person to my son. I am merely a steward of God's possession. In actual, I am still learning to be better in stewardship. God's abundant blessing is more than just money, enjoyment and health.
Gosh, already a friend of mine said I am being very religious recently.... give me a clue what am I suppose to do??
Friends, at most time I portray a negative impression of how my attitude towards spending, I should understand this. I've said: "I have budget on expenses, I can't join." to a few friends.
A caring friend counseled me through chatting box once, suggested that I should have a positive thinking on money. I am not making any positive energy to help myself overturn my negative energy if I keep on saying 'No budget.'
I understand how 'The Law of Attraction' works, and I know my God is a God of supply too, I shall lack nothing.
My buddy asked what is my attitude towards money? He has the same impression what the former friend has towards me, as a buddy, he encountered more than anyone else does. I am happy to share some of my insights.
This question arose after I told him that I actually deleted all mails sent by Groupon without even taking a glance. Another friend said: "But it's cheaper!" , "Yeah, you are right, cheaper, but they are not necessary!" I replied at once.
And so this buddy said: "You shouldn't have a negative attitude towards spending. What is your understanding of spending?"
At last, some one ask for my opinion. First, he asked do I feel bad on spending, "No, I feel good when I spend, that's how I got my new shoes, dresses and kitchen wares.
I have my financial burden, I must have the ability to make decision on certain spending, and will try the best to avoid some that are not necessary.
I see people spend happily, play happily, and try to think positive, at the same times debt increases, thinking positive and spend without planning will draw positive energy towards oneself? I doubt about it.
I take it more to the wisdom of managing my life and be responsible person to my son. I am merely a steward of God's possession. In actual, I am still learning to be better in stewardship. God's abundant blessing is more than just money, enjoyment and health.
Gosh, already a friend of mine said I am being very religious recently.... give me a clue what am I suppose to do??
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