Friday, October 29, 2010
對思考周密的告白 最無力抗辯
伊莎貝爾 - 天秤座: 對思考周密的告白 最無力抗辯
在‘非死不可’里,朋友转帖了这个《—>.<—我们结婚吧—>.<—》系列的影片,好浪漫。在观看的时候真等不及待的想要知道自己的个性是如何的,出来的评语是:天秤座- 对思考周密的告白 最无力抗辩。。。。 第一时间的反应是: ‘好酷喔!’
Isabelle 伊莎贝尔 我们结婚吧十二星座系列
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
所以连忙问文华那三毛散文的书名,也在网页查阅这本他力荐的书,昨晚就开始读了两章(太慢了吧? 没办法,要做的事情还真多。。。)
读着读着。。。感觉好像在读黄伟华的日子那般,还真容易消化,但因为要赶紧把它读完而读的心态,有点儿太浪费了,应该像每天早上阅读 星洲日报副刊里所刊登的散文那样,每天一点一点的,享受早茶也享受阅读,那就好多了。
所以连忙问文华那三毛散文的书名,也在网页查阅这本他力荐的书,昨晚就开始读了两章(太慢了吧? 没办法,要做的事情还真多。。。)
读着读着。。。感觉好像在读黄伟华的日子那般,还真容易消化,但因为要赶紧把它读完而读的心态,有点儿太浪费了,应该像每天早上阅读 星洲日报副刊里所刊登的散文那样,每天一点一点的,享受早茶也享受阅读,那就好多了。
上个星期是靖雄学校的考试周,这个星期该是派考卷的时候。我对他说过,如果他有一些科目考得不好,我会用藤条鞭打他的手掌,因为考试之前已经不断地提醒他要温习功课。所以这几天的回家时段我意识到他分外担心我问起考卷的事情,比起考试前多了忧虑的样子 (考试期中,他还过得蛮潇洒的!)
惩罚就一定会有,星期一的回家路程,我对靖雄说: ‘无论妈妈如何惩罚你,你要知道,妈妈是永远爱你的!’ (先买一个保险!打一支部分麻醉药!) 让他痛在肉里,不至于伤到心里。
上个星期是靖雄学校的考试周,这个星期该是派考卷的时候。我对他说过,如果他有一些科目考得不好,我会用藤条鞭打他的手掌,因为考试之前已经不断地提醒他要温习功课。所以这几天的回家时段我意识到他分外担心我问起考卷的事情,比起考试前多了忧虑的样子 (考试期中,他还过得蛮潇洒的!)
惩罚就一定会有,星期一的回家路程,我对靖雄说: ‘无论妈妈如何惩罚你,你要知道,妈妈是永远爱你的!’ (先买一个保险!打一支部分麻醉药!) 让他痛在肉里,不至于伤到心里。
驅趕 螞蟻, 蚊子, 蟑螂 的妙法 Ways that help get rid of ants, mosquitoes and cockroaches
不殺生又能驅趕 螞蟻, 蚊子, 蟑螂 的妙法
Methods that do not kill but get rid of ants, mosquitoes and cockroaches
Ants don't like sour things, mosquitoes don't like spices and cockroaches don't like fragrant things.
春天來了小生命們馬上就要出洞了,供養給大家 一個不殺生又能驅趕螞蟻、蚊子、蟑螂的妙法
To keep away ants, squeeze fresh lemon juice on where they'll be passing, and
also wipe the lemon slices on that surface.
Mosquitoes do not like spice. bury garlic under flowerbeds and clean dead leaves,
and keep the area clean.
蒜頭嗆退,植於花壇四周,其特殊的辛辣味隱隱 飄散。
Cockroaches do not like fragrance. Cut small pieces of soap, put them in a bottle with water, and put the bottle in a cupboard where you want to keep out cockroaches. After several days, they will be all gone and your cupboard will even smell good.
神出鬼沒的蟑螂,最愛隱身於掌管我們民生大計 的廚房裡。
面對「打不死的蟑螂」,辦法是將浴用香皂切成小塊,置於容 器內注入清水,擺放在蟑螂出沒的櫥櫃內,不出數日,打開櫥櫃將令您訝異於蟑螂的無影無蹤,櫥櫃內還多了怡人的香味。
You do not need to kill mosquitoes: dissolve Vitamin C and B2 in water, wipe the water on your skin, and the scent will drive the mosquitoes away.
Put up orange coloured curtains, or orange plastic wrap around a bulb. Mosquitoes are afraid of orange light, and they will be gone.
Hang up a bunch of spring onions, and use gauze to wrap up the green sections of the onions, and there will be no more mosquitoes.
Putting a pot of Lilies, Milans, Roses, or Evening Primroses in your room will work too.
一:把幾粒維生素C和維生素B2泡在水裡,將藥水塗抹在皮膚 上,會產生一種讓蚊子不敢接近的氣味。三:在燈下掛一把蔥,或用紗布包幾根蔥段,各種蚊蟲都不會飛來
To drive away cockroaches, you can put pieces of cucumber where you want to keep them away.
蟑螂不喜歡黃瓜的味道,若不想蟑螂在你家裡開party,不妨將一兩 段掰斷的黃瓜放在它們經常出沒的地方。
Monday, October 25, 2010
'I want to learn that piece!'
Gab told me just now, 'I want to learn that piece!', I asked: 'Which piece?' 'That one you played in Tze Ning's house this afternoon!', I still am not sure about which piece he mentioned about, I thought it might be the 'Waltz Op.69-1 "L'adieu", cos I asked him to learn this piece, right away I headed to the room to play him this piece, he said not this one.
Aha~! My eyes opened wide, this one? Then I played another one, Chopin's Etude Op.10-12 "Revolutionary", he nodded his head, I laughed (So sorry to him!)
I replied: 'No, this is too hard for you.' Then he said: 'How about another one?', 'You mean... this one (I start playing) 'Fantaisie-Impromptu by Chopin'..... I laughed again.... as he was looking at me seriously, with his big and determined eyes.... Finally I said: "Yes." (Phew... so ambitious!) I think soon enough he will forget this request... At the same time, I wish he will not give up. A praying mom could make things different, I shall start praying for him... seriously.
He has strong and nimble fingers, this is what I admire him about. He could play light and even semiquavers, he has stable wrists, he can play fast notes, he can read notes well, he just need a little more discipline, plus a pinch of passion to work it out! He can do well in music.
Aha~! My eyes opened wide, this one? Then I played another one, Chopin's Etude Op.10-12 "Revolutionary", he nodded his head, I laughed (So sorry to him!)
I replied: 'No, this is too hard for you.' Then he said: 'How about another one?', 'You mean... this one (I start playing) 'Fantaisie-Impromptu by Chopin'..... I laughed again.... as he was looking at me seriously, with his big and determined eyes.... Finally I said: "Yes." (Phew... so ambitious!) I think soon enough he will forget this request... At the same time, I wish he will not give up. A praying mom could make things different, I shall start praying for him... seriously.
He has strong and nimble fingers, this is what I admire him about. He could play light and even semiquavers, he has stable wrists, he can play fast notes, he can read notes well, he just need a little more discipline, plus a pinch of passion to work it out! He can do well in music.
'I am sad!'
Gab followed me out for classes this afternoon, he took his book to spend his time when I am teaching. I had a long lesson at Tze Ning's house, and while she was doing her theory work, I played a few pieces from her book, and Gab seated just beside me, he was trying to catch which bar I am playing.
Today is the last lesson I teach Tze Ning, and will pass her to my friend from November, as the location is far to me, and another reason is that her lesson time is during evening time, which after the class, I will be stuck in a jam for about half hour or more before I reached home, I really don't like to waste my time in the traffic jam. As we going off from her house, Tze Ning handed over a small gift, which I am very much thankful for her, she is a good student. And I know I am going to miss her, therefore I added her as my facebook friend.
I explained the piece in Mandarin and in English mixture, one funny thing happened as when I asked him to turn the page for me, I kept saying: 'Turn! Turn!Turn!.....' I saw his reaction was quite uncertain, go and backward he went, I stopped playing, and asked him why didn't he turn the page. And he said:' I don't know, I thought you are saying '等,等, 等!’,(direct translation is 'wait, wait, wait, which HanYuPinYin is 'Den, Den, Den!', that was a fun one! Made three of us laugh.

In the car, Gab told me he is sad, he said:' Ma, you are not coming to her house anymore?', 'I feel like crying! Like I miss Auntie Macy! I am sad!'. Yeah, he did told me he misses Auntie Macy, our late sister in Christ. And he said: 'I wish everything could go back again.'
I looked at him (though I was driving, because of the traffic jam, I am able to do this!) and he turned his face to show me, by pointing his finger to his eyes, he said: 'You see, my tears!'
He is sentimental.
小小的梦想 Little Dream 小提琴谱/ 钢琴伴奏
词 : 李信仪 Jessica Lee
曲 : 游智婷 Sandy Yu

Blue skies are perfect homes to big white clouds
Hilltops are where the green grass likes to grow
Rivers will find their home in oceans deep
And my dreams will rest in heav’n above
Every little dream comes from Father’s heart
Just remember He is all we need
Every dream received can change the world
Brings hope for tomorrow
2. 耶和華是我們的力量
Jesus, the precious giver of our strength
Brings us together in His unity
He leads us through the path of righteousness
He guides us and gently walks with us
download pdf for 小小的梦想 Little Dream piano accompaniment
download pdf for 小小的梦想 Little Dream in C major Violin part
小小的梦想 Little Dream A Major 小提琴谱/ 钢琴伴奏
for young violinist
download pdf for 小小的梦想 Little Dream A major piano accompaniment
download pdf for 小小的梦想 Little Dream A major Violin part
I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
小小的梦想 Little Dream (初学者钢琴乐谱)
词 : 李信仪 Jessica Lee
曲 : 游智婷 Sandy Yu
1. 藍天是白雲最美的故鄉
Blue skies are perfect homes to big white clouds
Hilltops are where the green grass likes to grow
Rivers will find their home in oceans deep
And my dreams will rest in heav’n above

Every little dream comes from Father’s heart
Just remember He is all we need
Every dream received can change the world
Brings hope for tomorrow
2. 耶和華是我們的力量
Jesus, the precious giver of our strength
Brings us together in His unity
He leads us through the path of righteousness
He guides us and gently walks with us

Jane's Note:
Play the children part one octave higher
download pdf for 小小的梦想 Little Dream (初学者钢琴乐谱)[primo] young pianist
download pdf for 小小的梦想 Little Dream piano accompaniment (secondo)
I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
云上太阳 初学者钢琴谱

云上太阳 初学者钢琴谱
Yun Shang Tai Yang Piano sheet for beginner
曲、词 赞美之泉
无论是住在 美丽的高山
或是躺卧在 阴暗的幽谷
C Am
当你抬起头 你将会发现
C Am
云上太阳 它总不改变
C Am
云上太阳 它总不改变
哈啊 它不改变
I invite you to support my work with your donations of any amount. It is gratefully received. My gratitude to all those who have been my visitor.
云上太阳 小提琴谱、钢琴伴奏

Yun Shang Tai Yang Violin with piano accompaniment Piano sheet
曲、词 赞美之泉
C Am
无论是住在 美丽的高山
或是躺卧在 阴暗的幽谷
C Am
当你抬起头 你将会发现
C Am
云上太阳 它总不改变

C Am
云上太阳 它总不改变
哈啊 它不改变
其实最适合小提琴弹奏的是D大调, 刚完成了transposition, 也上传了pdf 文件。(4/11/11)
download 云上太阳 D major 钢琴伴奏音乐谱
download 云上太阳 D major 小提琴谱

云上太阳 小提琴谱、钢琴伴奏 (初学者)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Butterfly All Frocks
Butterfly All Frocks
Welcome to Butterfly. We sell Butterfly dresses
specially made with imported fabrics
and laces from Japan and United States.
Dresses that we have on hand are party wears,
and princesses wears,
made from high quality satin.
Casual dresses are made from 100% cotton and linen.
Each dress is made solely by hand and with limited quantity.
Butterfly is a online-boutique based in Subang Jaya,
we take order by mail
or by phone
Logo was designed by late Macy, and the butterfly is drawn by Gabriel.
Monday, October 18, 2010
A faithful gadget to make half-boiled eggs
Half boiled egg maker |
If you are lover of half-boiled eggs, it is fantastic to have this gadget! I got this during the promotion time run by 'Safe-egg' , which you get a free 'half boiled egg draining pot', when you buy 3 racks of 'Safe-egg', I don't know how it should be called, whatever way I feel that you could understand what it is about.
By using this gadget, I can make half boiled eggs from chilled eggs, without worrying whether those eggs are over cooked or too raw for consuming. They are fantastic.
And there I went to buy another 3 racks to get another one for Debbie, my cousin. And I shall get another one for my brother too! Because we can finish up 30 eggs in a week time..... m... I better go as earlier as possible, I am kind a 'Kia Su' person.
With indicator the volume of boiled water to number of egg. |
Isn't it sweet and beautiful? |
kitchen talk
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