Team members
From SCF :- Tom, Jacinta, Richard, Pastor Tommy, Ben and Jane Lee.
From FGC JB:- Mrs Tay, Ruby Lim, Angela Bruyns and Mei Fang.
It was a beneficial trip, every mission trip indeed, you get the chance to meet those 'big people' of God, listen how they 'die' for God's will, and know how they grow in their spiritual growth... never easy though, a little sounds scary to me.
She was Graphic designer, she own a big house in JB, nice and cosy house to cuddle in, earning good for living, but she gave up what she deserves to have, family time, comfortable life, cars, career comes to this place 14 years ago, stayed in a small - stuffy - rattan built house, which was offered by someone, not even a room, but the hall, I think it is as small as a store room of my house.
Started building up relationship with villagers, and got connected with the local church. (long story) 14 years later, School of Acts established 4 years ago, from one student till now about 100 sponsored student, School of Acts has given many hopes and opportunities to those who have once lost, and helpless child back to school.
Point 1 :
Perserverance, what I see in her, through these year of walking with God, she knows God's plan and God's will clearly, it was not easy, way did not come smoothly, she faced struggles and obstacles, as she obeyed and continue to do what is right, she sees God's amazing hands at work.
16 This is what the LORD says—
he who made a way through the sea,
a path through the mighty waters
I have heard of her name ever since I joined SCF church, but never had a chance to see her face to face. She was doing pioneering work for God, she is the founder of SCF church.
My first impression when I met her, I had a surprise, she is soft, gentle and quiet, followed by many question marks floating in my mind, and was pondering about how she started the churches, she established three churches all together.
In this trip, Mei Fang, Ruby Lim (sister of Pastor Sony), Mrs Tay and I shared one room, I told her what my impression toward her, and asked of her testimony.
She is a homy lady, she enjoys staying at home, doing house chores and gardening, she never liked to talk to people, she said she was introvert before obeyed doing what God's will, but she just do what God wanted, first she went to Setiawan, she never knew why God sent her there, after a few years, she got back to home - Johore, then God sent her to Selangor, Subang USJ 4 where SCF is founded, the first member is Moi Lang ( my DHG Leader, spiritual mother), from Setiawan; slowly she begins realized why did God send her to Setiawan at first.
Point 2:
Obedience, we will never knew why God allows something happen in our lives, we will never would understand what God's plan is, and how God leads you, but through obedient, that needs a lot of faith, by practising faith, obedient action is taken one by one. God's way is higher than our ways.
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Stand:Angela Bruyns, Jinafe, Julit, Bing, Jakie
Sitting: Sonia and Elenita
Sonia and Bing: Cooked for us, dishes tasted axactly like Malaysian food, Sonia worked in Malaysia years ago.
Jakie and Elenita: Arranging visitations, they took good care of us, accompanied us.
Supposedly we are to serve, not to be served, but I did really feel like I am in a mission trip, we had all the things done by most of them, food, drinks, washing and laundry, this is really a luxury mission trip. Thanks to their hospitality.
Point 3:
Serve joyfully, this is that kind of attitude, I have to repent for that, (indeed, already did long time ago) I wasn't quite happy with doing work last time, I grumpy about little thing, I felt unhappy with certain people, I judged the work of ones, that was me, but as I am serving and complaining, and God tuned my attitude, and God directed me, and molded me from that kind of self-centered to someone who knows (better) to serve with joyful heart, sometimes still struggles, thank to the Lord, able to tune it back.
Point 4:
Plug-in to God: We saw many of villagers living in poverty, feeling bad for them about their house, their finacial difficulty, the children who are left behind by irresponsible parents, or some parents have to leave them for a better earning, like those who work in Malaysia and others country, we feel pity for their living environment, and we sighed that we could only do little to help them due to limited supply.
But sister Mei Fang shared with us about the source, the focus, the needs are not on material, but the spirit, we come to the place not just 'Touch N Go' but 'Touch N Grow', as long as they plug-in to the right power point, they will be riched, the power comes from God. What we can do is not just merely giving them and supply them materially, they just need the SOURCE, this would lasts them forever, this will follow them wherever they go. Do not connect them to people, people changes, no matter how much we sacrifice, we are limited.
God gives life, only life will grow. Teach them the Bible, it is like the breast milk, boast up immune system, to keep them strong and grow healthily, know the truth, will set you free from deception.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life..."