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Friday, August 15, 2014

Lunch with Malaysia Thermomix Record Breaker

I was rather flattered when Gideon phone me to tell me that Steven and Deborah would like to meet me for lunch, they came for Thermomix branch managers meeting this weekend, taking this opportunity for meet up and knowing each other well, as we have been chatting via facebook and whatsapp.

I am so appreciated for their effort and time. We chatted a lot of their legendary story of how they got into Thermomix, and how they became Malaysia Thermomix Recod Breaker, sold 76 Thermomix in a period ( 28 days = a period) Amazing!

A very humble couple, in every sentence they acknowledge how marvelous is our God, how God helped them, and how God led their way all these years. And His blessing never ceased. Amen for our God.

Lunch with Malaysia Thermomix Record Breaker 

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