
Friday, January 1, 2021

Vietnam Baguette Thermomix Recipe

Vietnam Baguette Thermomix Recipe

越南法棍面包 小美食谱

Ingredient A 

330g Water
2 1/4 teaspoon dried yeast (7-10g)

Ingredient B

500g Cake Flour
1 1/2 Teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon sugar


1. Place ingredient A into mixing bowl and warm
    2 min / 37°C / speed 2. Meanwhile, lightly grease a large bowl and set aside.

2. Add ingredient B and knead
    2 min / knead. Transfer dough into prepared bowl. Cover bowl with cling film or a damp kitchen until it doubled in size ( approx. 1 hours)

3. On a lightly floured surface, separate dough into 8 equal pieces. Gently flatten and roll each piece loosely into a log shape and set aside on a lightly floured surface. Dust rolls lightly with flour, cover with cling film or a damp kitchen towel and allow to rest for 20 minutes.

4. Again, gently flatten each piece of dough into a rectangle, taking care to preserve the air bubbles trapped within. Roll dough again into a log shape. Pinch seam of roll with your fingers to seal. Elongate roll into a baguette shape, rolling back and forth exerting gentle pressure from the middle of the baguette to its ends. Place baguettes seam-side down onto baking paper, pulling up paper between baguettes to create a low wall. This will help baguettes to hold their shape and will prevent them from sticking to each other as they rise. Cover baguettes loosely with cling film or a damp kitchen towel and let rise for further 45 minutes.

5. 20 minutes before end of rising time, place baking trays into middle part of oven, and another baking tray for storing water in the lowest part of oven.
    Preheat oven to 250°C.

6. Prepare approx. 100g very hot water in a cup. Score baguettes. Slide baguettes, together with baking paper, onto the top preheated baking tray. Quickly but also carefully splash the hot water onto the lower baking tray to create steam and immediately close oven door to trap the steam. Bake for 20 minutes, or until dark golden brown. If baguettes seem quite brown before end of baking time, reduce oven temperature to 230°C. Allow baguettes to cool for 20 minutes before slicing.

越南长棍面包 小美食谱

材料 A 

330克 水
2 1/4 茶匙 干酵母粉 (7-10克)

材料 B

500g Cake Flour
1 1/2 Teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon sugar


1. 将材料A放入锅
     2 分 / 37°C / 速度2 

2. 加入材料B
    2 分 / 揉面团
将面团放入抹好油的大碗中,用保鲜膜或湿的厨用毛巾覆盖,静置发酵直到两倍大 (约 1 小时)

3. 将面团放在撒了面粉的台面,用长刀子将面团切成 8 等份,轻轻地杆平并松松地卷成圆柱状,静置在撒了面粉的台面上。在面团卷上撒上一些面粉,用保鲜膜或湿的厨用毛巾覆盖,静置约20分钟。

4. 再一次将每份面团轻轻地杆开成长方形,并非常小心地不要弄破面团里的气泡,再次将面团卷成圆状状,用您的手指都将面团的接缝捏合,将面团卷整型成法国长棍面包型状,从面团卷中间开始轻轻施力并前后滚动至它的两端,将法国长棍面团的接合面朝下放在烘焙纸上,将面团中间的烘焙纸拉高形成矮壁,使每个面团都独立被隔开,这样面包就能够维持它的形状,并且避免互相粘住。用保鲜膜或湿的厨用毛巾轻轻覆盖面团,再一次静置45分钟。

5. 发酵结束20分钟之前,放一个烤盘放在中层,另一个放在最低层呈水之用。预热烤箱250°C。

6. 准备一杯大约 100°C 的热水,用尖刀划出一条裂痕,将面包联通烘焙纸一同滑进烤盘。小心迅速地将热水倒进最下层的烤盘,使烤箱产生蒸汽,立即关上烤箱的门留住蒸汽在里头。以250°C烤20分钟或直到颜色呈现深金黄色。如果面包在烘焙结束前已呈现深黄色,则将烤箱温度调降至230°C,取出面包放20分钟,待凉后切片食用。

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