
Friday, January 1, 2021

Preparing DIY face mask templates for download


This will be my first time drawing template by using Adobe Illustration, watching YouTube videos to learn how to operate AI step by step, pick up simple commands and techniques, there were times quite frustrating especially left control panels. Thank God that managed to overcome it. 

Initially uploaded a picture of hand drawn template which I used these designs to sew masks as Christmas presents. 

It was my desire to learn A.I long ago, now that I found the very purpose to start it!

05 template only three sizes without title

Title and XS size are added in 
This is 06 templates, now have tried another two more. Indeed I need to try to sew face mask by using these templates. As I have done some adjustment on curve designs if you compare the drawn template and new template.

Templates cut out from version.06 

08 template was Improved by added in more informations for preparations. 

At last, I need to stock up more fabrics and lining to sew mask by using these new designs! Will update  DIY Fabric Face Mask Sewing Tutorial along the way if I make amendments. 

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