
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Holy Communion Unleavened Bread

 Tomorrow is the first Sunday of 2021, from a WhatsApp chat group received a message from church announcement:

"Zoom service in 2021: There will be holy communion on Every first week of the month. Kindly prepare your own bread and cup at home, as we will partake in the Holy Communion together online this week in remembrance of Jesus Christ."



There are some brands of biscuits usually used by churches for this purpose, we are using homemade unleavened bread, sometimes I helped to prepare dough, another sister will fry it on a flat pan. Because of this experience, I thought, I should make a small piece of dough for tomorrow. 

I am using sourdough starter, add flour, mix with a spoon until it becomes a small dough, knead with hands, using a roller pin to flatten it. Fry in a non stick pan. 

A small spoonful of sourdough starter, mix with flour and pinch of salt.

We ate the 1st piece, Gab said is kind of nice, this is 2nd piece.

And I thought there are only two of us, hence I cut the dough into small rectangular piece.

This is how small it is.


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