
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Japanese Condensed Milk Bread Thermomix Recipe


 Japanese Condensed Milk Bread Thermomix Recipe

Ingredient A:
200g Bread Flour
25g   Condensed Milk
120g Fresh Milk
10g  Sugar
3g Dried Yeast
3g Salt

Ingredient B
20g Unsalted Butter in room temperature

Ingredient C : Condensed Milk Mixture
25g Condensed Milk
25g Butter in room temperature

Egg Wash

1 egg yoke (or white) with 1/2 tsp water, lightly beat


Almond Flakes, Pumpkin seeds, some coarse sugar (Option: raisins, dried cranberries and others as decorative choice.)


1. Mix ingredient A 

     speed 6 / 6 min

2. Put in butter, mix

      speed 6 / 6 min or up to 10 minutes or more to gain windowpane

*put wet ingredients then follow by dried ingredients.

3. Allow dough to has it first proofing in TM bowl, about 45 minutes to reach double in size, remove and knead to press air out from dough.
4. Using roller pin to roll dough into long rectangular shaper about 12 inch in length, 8 inch in width.
5. With the help of a cutter, cut into 4 long strips, apply butter mixture on the surface for each strip
6. Then stack strip on top of each other to make 4 layers. Divide into 8 equal portions.
7. Laying each portion criss-cross vertically in a greased pan. Cover with sling wraps, 45 minutes for 2nd proofing.
8. Egg wash the surface, and pour in remaining condensed milk mixture. Sprinkle with Almond Flakes and sunflower seeds 
9. Bake in preheated oven 165°C for 25 minutes.



200克 高筋面粉 
25克 炼奶   
120克 鲜奶
10克 细糖  
3克 干酵母 
3克 盐

20克无盐奶油 室溫 

材料C 炼奶酱:
25克奶油 室溫 


杏仁片,太阳花籽 , 粗糖各少许( 其他:葡萄干, 蔓越莓,巧克力豆 等作装饰)


1. 面包材料A混合, 搅拌至成面团 

     速度6 / 6 分钟

2. 放入融解的牛油,继续搅拌 

     速度 6 / 6 分钟 或10分钟,至可以形成薄膜


3. 让面团在锅里第一次发酵,大概45分钟至发酵双倍大,取出面团用手按压面团, 挤出空氣。 


5. 再将面团切成4条长状,每條涂上练奶酱。 

6. 然后, 将每4条面团叠在一起, 平均分切成8等份。

7. 放入预先涂上炼奶酱模子里, 将分切好的面团块垂直放入, 以保鮮紙或湿布盖好,等待作第二次發酵至面团擴满模子。

8. 表面涂上全蛋液和剩余的炼奶酱, 再撒上杏仁片, 太阳花花籽儿 粗糖或巧克力豆个人喜爱装饰即可。 

9. 放入预热烤箱以165度烘烤25分钟即可。

Cut into 4 strips

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