
Monday, January 3, 2011

Highlights in Pa Lungan Trip

Rain/drizzle, almost everyday and night. (photo taken by Raja Umong)

small plane
A small plane fully occupied by us. (photo taken by Raja Umong)

Riveboat ride
Cold riveboat ride.
Buffalo sleigh
Very muddy path

Burned Rice dip in Fermented Rice, it was nice, I love it.

Cold, serene and quietness

Traditional cook ware for baking, well..... it is my first encounter to this kitchen tool.

witnesses two slaughtering - Buffalo and two wild boars.

smoked wild boar feet

Gabriel and I sat near the fireplace in early morning.

Wrapped rice in Isip leaves

Eating Bario rice (finest rice in the world) everyday!
Bario rice is wet paddy, worker have to harvest stalk by stalk prevent seed from falling into water.

Gab learns to whistle 

feasting almost every night in difference houses.
This is one of the nights, feasting in one of the local's house. (photo by Mun Wah)

Playing with earth worms (Photo by Azra Tilai)

Crossing river by bamboo bridge

River play

BN candidate Christmas visitation, helicopter stopped in the field right in front of Batu Ritung Lodge   
(photo taken by Raja Umong)

Christmas Eve event, candles were being lit up by two arrays of lady seniors. (photo taken by Raja Umong)
Steve Agan, 11 year-old boy, who follows his dad hunting at most time, he has good hunting and shooting skills, we were amazed.

Ritung's Rock (photo taken by Raja Umong)

Kampung and dudes volley-ball match

Sometimes just rest and relax.(by Raja Umong)  
Gabriel (left) KL brave boy trying n enjoying the "bua' si ang" with a new found friend, Agan a kelabit boy. Hmmmm...  (by Raja Umong)

The only entertainment for kids is playing in the pond (formerly paddy field)

Gab fishing everyday, thankful for him, we have crispy fish serve as superior food.
Ma also found her role in this trip, she had caught many, and blessed our stomachs for many times. 
(photo taken by Raja Umong)

Hiked up to Mount Tudal, only half an hour hike. (photo taken by Azra Tilai)

Important entertainment for the kids. 
(photo taken by Raja Umong)

Of course this nice and cosy Batu Ritung Lodge homestay, only RM70 per night with 3 meals.  (photo taken by Raja Umong)

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