
Sunday, February 14, 2010

What is wrong with me???

Kind a sad now, every time I do my shopping, I have to go straight to XL size, oh man.... have I grown that much? Or they have changed their measurement on sizes? I should feel better if I get those from Europe, at least I will look for M size...

Or is it time for me to sign up slimming courses? Work on my diet, take only fruits and water? Calculate the calories of every food I take? Exercise and exercise ~* NO.... *screaming...

In some designer garments, they don't even have L now.... sad, what has this world gone for? slim is beauty? What an insult, people have been deceived, beauty has been distorded. Women spend time on their face, body, hair, toes, nails, feet..... oh my goodness, the whole body of them, to make them look nice before men, to feel 'confident' enough before ladies. Oh... enough!

watch this video from YouTube - Ditorted Perception of Beauty

This shows us what is the realistic and wonder works have been done behind an advertisement. And sadly many women ...erm.. including me sometimes get hooked up by these lies and deception. I said sometimes is whenever I read beauty magazines... which I seldom, I read Architecture, home maker, gardening, N.G. and others but not beauty magazines like ....erm.. .. those I read when I got stucked in a saloon, thankfully, I go only once or twice a year, that I got affected and deceived during that time... haha.

And many spend money on slimming courses, how I wish I could spend that much .... !!?! Just thinking, I think I would rather accept who am I then complaining myself that much, because that always not enough, it is again, another never ending story.

Another one from YouTube: Beauty Pressure

Parents out there have the responsibility to tell their girls about the truth of beauty, before the advertisments teach them.

The pervasiveness of these images has caused several body image issues in girls and women including eating disorders, commit to attend plastic surgeries, over exercising, low self-esteem, and a distorted viewing of themselves. I believe including velebrities, battle these body image issues on a daily baiss, even harming themselves physically and emotionally because of the pressure to be the 'beautiful' they see in advertisements, magazines, television and so on.

Ooh, thankfully, after reading my own explanation, conclusion I have is: 'I am fine, nothing is wrong with me.'

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