
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Freedom is ...to do what is right

Let Liberty Decide
Darwin Hobbs
As believers, we all have to make a number of conscious decisions; decisions concerning our jobs, families, marriages, God, and concerning our life in general. And although the decisions we are faced with are often at times difficult for us to make, there is something we all can find joy in. Something very few of us believe we even have at our disposal: Liberty.
Believe it or not, we as believers have been granted liberty in the spirit of God to make choices that will effect change in not only our lives, but in the world we live in.
According to Webster's dictionary, the definition of liberty (or freedom) is the "right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing." Within this definition, we discover that we have rights, power, and yes, we have choices.
As Christians, all the power and rights we have ever needed were transferred to us over 2000 years ago at the cross. The redemption plan literally bought us back from the curse of the law of sin and death, meaning we now have kingdom citizen rights and power.
So what does this mean for you and me today?
This simply means that we have the ability to act, believe, and express ourselves in ways that bring Glory to the Father. However, although we are free and liberated by the blood of Christ, we still must make good choices. I Corinthians 10:23 states that "all things are lawful, but not all things are profitable (or expedient)."
While we reserve the right and power to make our own decisions, within this scripture lies an awesome opportunity to impact the earth with godly decisions. Throughout the course of today or throughout this week, I encourage you to try to become more aware and conscious about the type of decisions that face you.
I know it's tough, but I dare you to make decisions that don't include any self gain or self promotion for yourself this week. Instead, ask yourself...
What would it be like to consider another person over myself?
What would it be like to resist the temptation to gossip and backbite?
What would it be like to become a person of my word for just seven days straight?
It is time for us all to realize that we are not only free and liberated "by" the spirit and sacrifice of Christ, but we also now have the ability to experience liberty "in" Christ every day of our lives. It is time we all took a self-examination of our lives and discover whether we are making decisions that represent a heart that is truly free in Christ...
...or are we simply just making decisions?

An accomplished gospel artist and worship leader, Darwin Hobbs, is extremely passionate about aligning the hearts of people with the heart of God. With Traci, his wife of 15 years. With several albums to his credit, Darwin is now working on his first live recording album. For more information about Darwin, you can visit him at http://www.myspace.com/darwinhobbs.

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