5 Aug 09, Wednesday, mid-week off day. Have been cooking from July's Wednesdays, Tuesdays and Sunday. Still learning, and picking up cooking skills from my mom. So far, have mastered a few, but quite expert on egg though, using own recipe, I think 'Egg' is the easiest dish to make, no matter how you fry, or steam, still taste nice. However I've known of a book, from a TV show
Soup - 'ikan bilis', button mushrooms sliced and chopped. boil cabbage before serving.
Egg - marinated pork sliced with just soya sauce and pepper, chopped button mushroom, shreddered carrot, and egg.
Gai Lan - (I think so, can't remember the name, I have great problem recognizing 'them')
boiled in water, put in some salt and oil to keep veggie looks greenish and shiny.
Sauce - sliced small onion, fry with oil, set in 2 table spoons of sugar, fry in low frame, add some soya sauce after the sugar melt completely, then turn of fire.
The recipe for this sauce is my mom's signature sauce, can be served with fried fish, veggie and meat.
Gab said: ''Why so little dish? Should have another one! Popo's house have many dishes.'' I told him: '' Because we have only two of us, three dishes already too many for us!''
I am happy to make this decision, though it took up lots of time, at least Gab learned the above lesson. It always take something to learn a simple lesson.
owh..i'm hungry~~~