
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Relationships - Infatuation, Lust or Love?

Many young people confuse love and infatuation. Understanding the difference between these conditions may save teens much pain in relationships. The intimate and powerful nature of sexual intercourse demands commitment. The best context for sexual commitment is marriage. So often premarital sexual relationships are based on physical lust or infatuation, not mature unconditional love.

Definition of Infatuation: - like a mist spray
An unrealistic or extravagant love or admiration appealing to the senses and impulses, sometimes called lust. Infatuation may be the initial attraction that will, with time and commitment, grow into a mature and unconditional love.

The word love is used so loosely in the English language that perhaps the best way to define love is by what it is not. Infatuation is not bad, it is just not good enough to carry a relationship over the rough times. The condition of being ïn love" or more accurately, "in infatuation" may be the beginning of a relationship. For romantic or sexual love to last, the general qualities inherent in personal character are needed -- patience, respect, consideration, protectiveness, trust and trustworthiness, hope and loyalty.

Definition of Lust: - like a firework, once lit can't be stopped.
Intense sexual desire or appetite, an overwhelming desire, as in lust for power. A sexual urge or physical impulse.

Definition of Love: Like a humpty dumpty - with a strong foundation.
Devotion based on commitment and unselfish concern for one another. It freely accepts another in loyalty and seeks his or her good. In sexual relationships, a sexual attachment is formed that adds to the commitment.

The Power of Friendship
Most relationships start with an attraction.
However, attraction cannot be the only thing that sustains a relationship. Strong relationships need strong friendships based on respect, honesty, self-control and trust. Teens place great value on their friendships, but often overlook friendship when it comes to dating and relationships. Infatuation comes and goes, and so do our youthful looks as we age, but a lasting relationship is built on qualities that outlast physical appearance.

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