
Monday, February 16, 2009

Testimony 15th Feb 09

A short testimony given to SCF 15th Feb Sunday where Kingdom Kidz had a combined service with adult. Children led a fantastic praise and worship, Daniel Wong, gave a sermon on Media Influences , I had a short testimony to support his sermon, here it is:

I have a son, he is 8 years old, I have to admit that media influent a lot on our lives, Gab learned ABC from VCDs, he learned 123 from VCDs, he learned animals from VCDs. And I know clearly how much influences bring to Gabriel, and so I'll try my best to watch together with him, explaining to him things, behavior and values that are not accepted by God. At times he is watching without my guide too, this should not be an excuse but I am afraid to say so, I am a working mom.

Kid pick up things as they grow (I am blessed, Gab is a normal child), when he was young, I wanted him to be a gentle boy, I planed to mold him in this way, so I bought soft toys, cooking sets ... just no guns, till I came across to workshop by Dr. James Dobson, he is a Christian child psychologist, he said "let boys be boys", any how, boys will just make anything in gun shape, I agreed with it, he could just use his index finger and thumb and start playing "police and thief" game. After this I let him watch what his DNA drives him to watch, majority adventure and action cartoons.

There was one time, I caught him in fighting with his cousin, he was pulling his cousin's legs and hung him up side down, wanted to pound him... WOW... that was violent and he also elbow his cousin... WOW that hurt his cousin, of course, immediately I stopped him and gave him a 'good' lesson ( I screamed )

Thanks to Jesus, without Him, I don't know how to teach him, I quoted a few bible verses and he listened, we ended with a prayer. Kid just need to be reminded every time.

We watch movies together, and we will talk about God's teaching against the wrong moves in the movie, it has become our habit to do this. I see changes on him, he is learning... I won't stop him from watching, of course according to his age and the level of understanding and maturity, by allowing Gab to watch movies of his selection, I empower him and trust him in his ability to analyze the suitable movies, rather than keeping him in a box and mold him what I wanted him to be, I've planted the seed in him, and continue to nourish his growth.

Here is a link where we could find out what is the moral teaching behind the movie, they always provide reviews of the latest movies.

PluggedIn.jpg Plugged In is a Focus on the Family publication designed to help equip parents, youth leaders, ministers and teens with the essential tools that will enable them to understand, navigate and impact the culture in which they live. Entertainment is a potent influence on our culture for both good and evil. Through our reviews and discussions of that entertainment, we hope to spark intellectual thought, family discussion and spiritual growth.

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